Eucharis or Amazonian Lily: indoor care


Eucharis is a bulbous plant that is part of the Amaryllis family. Distribution area - central and southern regions of America.

Appearance of eucharis

The bulb has sizes from 2 to 5 cm. The leaves are lanceolate, sitting on large elongated petioles, reach a height of 1 m, width up to 30 cm. On one plant no more than 3-4 pieces.

Flowering is observed in late summer or early fall. The buds are white, in shape resembling a daffodil, grouped in inflorescences of 3-10 pieces. Height is up to 85 cm. The color of the crown is from yellow to dark green.

Poison of eucharis

Eucharis is considered an ornamental indoor plant, but due to the presence of lycorin, it is among the poisonous flowers. When ingested, this substance causes bouts of nausea and vomiting.

When growing eucharis at home, it should be placed away from children and pets.

When cutting processes, leaves or bulbs, as well as transplanting them, they immediately discard all waste, and wash their hands thoroughly with soap and water. Contact with the lily must be in gloves.

Common types of eucharis for indoor cultivation

The following varieties of eucharis are perfect for indoor cultivation:

ViewDescriptionLeavesFlowers The period of their formation
Large floweredThe diameter of the bulb is 3.5-5 cm. It is considered one of the most widespread species.Dark green. Oblong.2-6 pieces, length up to 85 cm. Pronounced, pleasant aroma. White buds. December, May, August.
WhiteElongated bulb, sizes - from 2.5 to 5 cm.Brownish green. Oblong, taper at the end. In length reach 40 cm, width - 12-15 cm.From 2 to 10, length up to 52 cm. Buds are white. October, March.
SanderBulb of large size, diameter up to 7 cm.Light green. Elongated.8-10 flowers, length up to 50 cm. White with a yellow center. September, February.

Care for eucharis at home

When leaving home for eucharis, you should focus on the season of the year:

FactorSpring SummerAutumn winter
Location / LightingPlaced on the east or west side of the house. On the northern windowsill, the plant is provided with a sufficient amount of light.

Bright but scattered.

Cover up with phytolamps.
Temperature+ 19 ... +20 ° С. Sudden temperature changes are prohibited.+15 ° C and above.
HumidityLevel - 50-55%. Occasionally sprayed or performed shower procedures.Level 50-55%. Spraying is suspended.
WateringOnce every 2-3 days, apply the settled water.Once every 7 days.
Top dressingOnce every 14 days, alternate fertilizers and organics.Deposit is paused.


Wintering in Amazonian lilies should occur after flowering, although all buds and leaves retain their natural color for a long time. Therefore, flower growers control the process of the end of the vegetative period, after which all dead leaves and faded flowers are removed with scissors or mini-secateurs.

Eucharis transplant

When buying plants in a store, pay attention to the size of the pot. This is due to the fact that the Amazonian lily grows rapidly and the roots begin to peek out from it. Therefore, if the capacity is small, immediately transplant.

The ideal period is March or early April. Eucharis is transplanted every 1.5-2 years after flowering. With a transplant, do not rush, the procedure is performed when the bulb practically fills the entire diameter of the pot.

Particular attention is paid to the soil. It can be bought in a store, any soil for bulb flowers will do, and it can also be prepared at home. With independent production in the ratio 2: 1: 1: 1 take the following components:

  • leaf soil;
  • turf and peat land;
  • sand.

The rhizome and foliage of Amazonian lilies are quite fragile, so they carefully transplant the flower.

It is forbidden to violate the integrity of the earth coma.

After removing the flower from the pot, loosen new soil, straighten the roots, carefully rinse them with water.

A drainage layer is laid at the bottom of the new pot. Then, 3-4 bulbs are placed in each container. Having placed them in vessels, the roots are straightened and covered with an earthen substrate.

If the plant is young, then the bulbs are planted to a depth of 1.5 cm. But when there are no leaves on the eucharis, the tip of the bulb is placed above the ground, and then its development process is observed.

When the transplant is over, the Amazonian lily is abundantly watered. At this time, they carefully monitor the level of humidity and do not allow the earth to dry out.

Reproduction of eucharis

Gardeners are advised to breed Amazonian lilies as "children" that occur in lilies from the age of 4 years. To do this, the flower is removed from the pot, the bulbs are separated and planting material is obtained from them. The sections are sprinkled with charcoal for quick healing of wounds.

If the size of the "baby" is small or there are no leaves on it, it is better not to cut it off, since it is highly likely that it will not take root. Planting is performed by analogy with an adult plant. Children are planted in groups of 3-5 pieces in one pot with a distance of 20-25 cm from each other.

The propagation of Amazonian lily by seeds is also practiced, but in rare cases, since with this cultivation, the first flowering of eucharis occurs after five years.

To obtain a box with seeds, pollination of the flower is performed artificially. For this, a cotton swab is carried out on the pestle and stamens. The box is not removed until it begins to dry and crack.

Prepared seeds are placed in a bowl with moistened soil, sprinkled with dry soil, covered with a film and placed in a warm place. After a few weeks, the first leaves form. When two or three leaves appear, the sprouts are transplanted in 3-4 pieces into separate containers.

Eucharis Care Mistakes, Diseases and Pests

When grown indoors, eucharis can be attacked by pests and diseases caused by improper care:

Problem (effect on foliage)CauseElimination method
Yellowing and falling.Excessive hydration.Adjust the irrigation mode. Do not allow drying of the soil and stagnation of water, as the roots rot.
Withering.Lack of moisture.Regulate the frequency of watering, move to a room with more humidified air.
Twisting.Unsuitable temperature conditions.They are placed in a room with a temperature of + 20 ... +25 ° С.
Dry tips.Lack of moisture.Change the watering mode.
Yellow spotting.Direct sunlight.Shade or move in partial shade.
Frequent death and the emergence of new ones.Deficiency of light or nutrients.In the winter, they fill up with phytolamps and are fed with nitrogen.
Kids do not appear.Close capacity or not ripened plant.Children occur in an adult bulb immediately after flowering, if this did not happen, then the flower is transplanted into a more spacious container.
Lack of flowering.Wrong rest period.They move to a cool and less lighted room, reduce the frequency of watering, stop feeding. Under such conditions, the plant is left for 4-5 weeks, and then returned to a comfortable environment.
Withering away. Decay of the root system.Gray rot.The affected foliage is removed, rotten roots are cut. Processed with 1% copper sulfate.
Red spotting.Fungus.The plant is removed from the pot, damaged areas are removed, the places of cuts are treated with brilliant green. Then dried for 2 days and planted in new soil.
Lethargy, on the inside there is an accumulation of dark midges.Sciarides.Processed by Acarin.
White thin web.Spider mite.Sprayed with Fitoverm.
The curvature of the buds, there are scales under which the pests hide.Amaryllis worm.Use drugs Vertimek, Aktara, Akarin.
Bright red spotting on the bulbs, buds and peduncles.Stagonosporosis.Rotted areas are cut out, cuts are cut with green stuff, dried for 1-2 days and transplanted into new soil.

Mr. Dachnik explains: signs and superstitions about eucharis

Amazon lily is a noble flower that improves the overall energy of the room, during the flowering period gives the household a feeling of comfort and relaxation.

Considering signs and superstitions, we can distinguish that the plant absorbs negative emotions and prevents the formation of new ones. Lily has a beneficial effect on the mental development of children, pushing them to study the world and gain new knowledge. In many countries and peoples, the plant is considered a symbol of home comfort.

In Colombia, eucharis is woven into a bride’s wreath to protect the future family from strife.


Watch the video: How to grow Amazon lilies (October 2024).