Diplomacy (mandeville) - growing and caring at home


Diplademia is still rarely seen in flower growers due to the fact that it is still little known. The flower has a decorative appearance and delicate elegant flowers that densely showered on the plant bush. This flower came from rainforests, therefore, it requires careful attention and quality care.

Mandeville Diplomacy - Queen of Indoor Vines

Diplademia is also known as mandeville. This happened because they were simultaneously and independently discovered by two different scientists. At first it was believed that these were two different plants, then they sorted it out in confusion and united them into one genus, however, the names of this plant still had two.

Diplomacy at home

This ornamental plant belongs to the kutra family. Central and South America is considered his homeland. More than 40 species of mandeville are known. Depending on the growing conditions, diplomatism can grow into a flowering bush or become a decorative branching vine.

The stems of flowering vines are able to grow up to 4 m. The leaves are dense, shiny and slightly elongated, they have a dark green color. Flowers can have a different color from white to red. They consist of five large petals arranged in the shape of a cone.

Up to fifty flowers can grow on one vine. The size of each of them is 5-12 cm. After the flower blooms, he lives for at least 14 days. Some varieties of diplladation have a pleasant aroma.

It should be remembered that this plant, although very beautiful, but nonetheless poisonous. Dangerous is juice. Therefore, it can not be started in houses where pets live or small children.

Diplomacy loose

Used as an indoor or garden flower. Flowers create a pleasant aroma. The length of the stems reaches 4 m. The leaves are greenish-gray in color and have a length of up to 15 cm. The size of the flowers is 5 cm. They have a white or cream color.

Note! This variety is characterized by good frost resistance. When grown in the garden in cold weather, drops leaves. When used at home during dormancy, this liana turns green.

Diplomacy Bolivian

This liana with a thin pink stem and small leaves (up to 4 cm long) is distinguished by beautiful pink flowers. They grow in the form of inflorescences of 5-8 pieces.

Diplases: home care

Dipladenia ampelous or mandeville - home care

Mandeville, diplomacy is the queen of indoor vines, but only the right care will allow you to see the luxurious tropical bloom.

The choice of soil for diplomatic distribution

It is necessary to prepare the soil, which will be loose and can easily pass water and air to the roots of the plant. To ensure this, sand or small crumbs of red brick are mixed into the ground.

Soil must necessarily contain a fertile layer. As such, humus, earth from a greenhouse or one in which cucumbers were previously grown, can be used. Acceptable for diplomacy purchase purchased soil.

Luxurious tropical flowers

Watering and dressing mode

In the wild, dipladate grows in humid tropical rainforests. Therefore, it is important for her to provide similar conditions where they are going to grow it. In order to ensure constant air humidity, it is necessary to spray the spraying regularly. You can also put it in a pan with a small amount of moistened gravel. As it dries, a little water is constantly added. This is especially important to do in the period that begins with the opening of the buds and ends with the fact that the lobes of the dipladenie will fall.

Important! When this liana blooms, it needs watering, which should occur twice a week. As soon as the top 2 cm of soil dries out, it is necessary to add once again the moisture deposition.

This vine is very demanding on the quality of the water received. For this purpose, it is required to use only filtered, boiled and cooled water.

Mandeville likes water to have a minimal lime content. If you collect water from the rain for irrigation, then it is well suited for diplomacy. However, this will only happen if the water is collected in rural areas.

In winter, the plant also needs watering, but the time comes for it, provided that the soil is completely dry after the previous wetting and after that another three days have passed.

In order to provide air suitable for the plant, you can use a humidifier. It is recommended that the percentage is 70%.

Important! Under natural conditions, the vine grows in acidic soils. Therefore, it is recommended to add a little lemon juice or vinegar to the water. In the latter case, the odor should disappear before use.

This plant needs to be fed during the spring-autumn period. At this time, fertilize the flower 4 times a month. Any complex fertilizer for flowers is suitable for diplladation. It should be borne in mind that nitrogen fertilizers contribute to the growth of foliage and stem, and potash and phosphorus - to the formation of flowers.

Location Lighting Requirements

This plant prefers good lighting, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. A shady place during a sunny day is a good option for diplomacy.

It is recommended to choose the east side of the apartment for growing a flower. In the warmer months, diplomacy will feel comfortable on the balcony.

Flowers on the balcony

Diplomats: growing and gardening

If the florist has planted this plant, then he must remember that care for diplomacy should be thorough and timely.

Freesia cultivation and care at home and in the garden

In October and November, it is customary to trim the plant. In this case, you need to carefully inspect the plant and all old branches must be removed. Flowers in the garden actively grow only on young shoots.

Important! It is necessary to pay attention to old shoots that are not branched. They need to be shortened by 2/3 of the original length. For those that have already forked, you need to perform trimming after a fork. In this case, cut off half or a third of the remaining part of the branches.

Growing and maintaining diplomatic home care suggests that pruning is important not only to ensure plant growth, but also to form a beautiful bush.

It must be remembered that the juice of this plant is poisonous. Therefore, all work with him must be done with gloves.

It is necessary to grow a vine using a support. It is recommended that its height be one and a half times greater than an adult plant.

Planting in a cache-pot

Fuchsia cultivation and care at home

This ampoule plant will look beautiful if grown in a hanging planter. It must be transplanted at least once every two years.

If in the spring you notice that roots pass through the drainage holes, then it’s time to move the flower to a new planter. If the roots do not stick out, then a transplant this year is not necessary.

For planting, you need to prepare a suitable soil mixture. It should consist of humus, leafy soil, sand, peat and turf. The best time to plant a diplade is spring.

Landscapes in landscape design

Temperature mode

During the spring-summer season, a temperature of 25 ° C or higher will be most comfortable for the plant. In winter, it is recommended to maintain it at 15 ° C.

In summer, it is important to ensure that the flower is airing. To do this, they take him out to the balcony or put next to the house, if possible. In this case, it must be remembered that the sun's rays that fell on the leaves can cause burns. Therefore, at such a time, it is important to provide shading for the plant.

If diplomacy is growing in the apartment, she needs to arrange regular airing. In this case, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of formation of drafts.

Warmth plays an important role in the care of flower dipladation. The more it is, the more juicy and brighter the flowers are, the more actively this liana develops.

Since the winter daylight hours are much shorter, the plant begins to fall asleep. At this time, for its comfortable existence, a lower temperature will be required. However, care must be taken that the air temperature does not fall below 13 ° C.

Diplomacy: Diseases and Pests

Too much moisture can cause root decay. This must not be allowed. Watering should be plentiful, but not excessive. The most suitable time for moistening occurs when the outer layer of soil in which this vine is planted begins to dry out.

Living fence

Why diplases do not bloom

When the house grows in diplomacy, cultivation and care are necessary according to all the rules, otherwise flowering will not work.

Although it is possible to plant this plant in open ground, it must be borne in mind that it is very vulnerable to low temperatures. When the question arises of why diplomacy does not bloom, one of the answers may be too low a temperature.

How to make diplomacy bloom at home

It may happen that this plant does not produce flowers at all. In this case, we can assume that he lacks the nutrients obtained with top dressing. It can be made to bloom if you properly care for the plant.

Sometimes the reason is that the plant needs more lighting. It is important to avoid direct sunlight.

Why do diplladies turn yellow and fall leaves

Sometimes you can see that the leaves turn yellow and curl, and then dry and fall off. The reason for this may be excessive watering. Excessive moisture causes plant disease.

If the liana freezes in winter, it can also lead to yellowing and falling of leaves.

In case of pest attack, appropriate insecticides will need to be applied.

Note! Sometimes leaves intensively crumble in violation of the basic rules of care. The cause can usually be poor watering, insufficient feeding and too dry air.

Diplocations: reproduction

Diplomacy can be propagated using seeds or cuttings.

For planting seeds, the air temperature must be at least 29 ° C. The soil should be loose and slightly acidic. It is moisturized, but not excessively. It is necessary to provide plentiful, but diffused lighting.

The germination period of seeds can last up to four months. Growing from seeds is much more time-consuming than using cuttings for this purpose.

Diplladation flower


Propagation by cuttings

For propagation of dipladion by cuttings, you need to cut the shoots of the vine in spring or summer. In the first case, they will be still green, already lignified in summer.

Each stem should have one stem node, 3-5 leaves. To propagate the flower, the branches must be cut off at an acute angle and treated with a growth stimulator.

After this, they must be planted in the ground. The soil mixture for cultivation should consist of peat, sand and sphagnum.

The shank is covered with a bag or glass (for example, an inverted jar) and put in a place where you can provide a temperature of 25 ° C. At the same time, cellophane must be removed for a while in order to conduct airing.

After a month or a half has passed, rooting will occur.

Diplomacy is a beautiful ornamental plant. However, it is necessary for him to provide suitable care. If everything is done correctly, this plant will delight the grower with its beauty for many years.
