What flowers are best planted in the garden and in the country: general tips and advice


The choice of plants for planting in the country is a very important stage, because the appearance of the summer cottage area, the amount of time spent on caring for the flower beds, and the mood of the owners and guests who visited the country estate depend on their variety. For starters, you should not focus on exotic species that are difficult to care for, it’s better to choose a few unpretentious, but vivid representatives of the flora. Let us consider in more detail what flowers to plant in the country, so that it turns into a cozy paradise.

Unpretentious plants for beginners

Many lovers of country holidays visit the cottage only on weekends, therefore, they need to choose flowers that require minimal care. In addition, plants must tolerate drought or, conversely, prolonged rains. If capricious roses are planted in more northern latitudes, then they will require daily attention, so we will consider options that quietly develop independently, at least during the week.

Undemanding to the soil and atmospheric "gifts" funny yellow and orange marigolds. The only condition for their successful cultivation is a place lit by the sun, and this can be a patch in the middle of the lawn, and a narrow flowerbed along the path, and containers suspended from the wall. Low varieties of marigolds are ideally suited for the device of rabatok or borders.

Bright plain marigolds look more elegantly surrounded by plants with large decorative leaves, for example, against the background of an ordinary or spotted hosta

For slightly shaded areas, a lush, freedom-loving nasturtium is great. It grows rapidly, so it should be planted in places with a large amount of free soil. In order for the bush of nasturtium to retain its shape and size as long as possible, it is placed in a pot or small container. The beginning of May is the best time to plant these pink, burgundy, lilac, yellow or colorful plants.

Large, noticeable from afar flowers are distinguished by Imopeia, which can decorate the wall of a house, and a trellis specially arranged for it. Imopeia loves supports and has increased tenacity, so she can easily "pounce" on any object standing nearby - a bench, a tree, a corner of the house. These beautiful flowers with large buds love sunlight and organic fertilizers.

A feature of growing nasturtium is the metered application of fertilizers. A large amount of minerals will cause rapid leaf growth, but will suppress the formation of inflorescences.

Two or three varieties of Imopei with buds of different colors, planted near a trellis, arch or trellis look original and harmonious

More details about unpretentious plants in the article: The most unpretentious flowers for the garden: a selection of varieties for "lazy" gardeners

Perennials as a symbol of stability

If there is no time to annually change the composition of the flower beds and transplant the plants from place to place, it is better to stay on perennials, which, once rooted, will delight the eye for a long time. Recognized leaders among perennials are magnificent dahlias and fragrant peonies, which during their flowering turn flower beds into huge white-pink-red clouds.

Get ready for the fact that the aristocratic peony will decorate your territory for 10 years or more. This dominant plant blooms violently throughout the summer, and the rest of the time the decorative task is performed by its dark glossy greens. Peonies are not capricious: in the fall it is enough to remove their aboveground part. It is not necessary to cover or wrap plants from frost, so as not to damage the sprouts in the spring.

Peonies are not recommended to be planted in places subject to high humidity and flooding: under the roofs of houses, under the crowns of large trees, in wetlands

Dahlias are perfect for individual plantings, and for group compositions, and even for creating lush massifs. They love well-lit places, but are sheltered from the wind. One of the conditions for planting is moisture-intensive, fairly fertile soil, as well as moderate use of organic matter (manure). Dahlias bloom closer to the end of summer, so flower beds can be supplemented with lower plants.

Dahlia roots need an additional influx of air: regularly feeding and watering flowers, it is necessary to loosen the soil and remove weeds

More details in the articles:

1. Perennial flowers growing all summer: all the best varieties for landscaping the garden
2. Top 8 best groundcover perennials for garden design
3. Rules for the selection of perennial flowers that are planted in the fall

Unrivaled rustic style

The persistent smell of mint, herbs and slightly wild, combed flowerbeds - old childhood memories send us on a journey through the garden of our beloved grandmother, where colorful plants of unimaginable varieties merged into a single picture, which is now called a country house in a rustic style.

The center of the landscape, of course, is a lush rose bush spreading a delicate soft aroma around itself. Choosing a soil neutral in acidity, not waterlogged and fertile, you can not think about updating the flower garden of roses for the next 10 years. Timely planting, which depends largely on the variety, regular hilling and top dressing will help create a strong plant with large noble buds. To give the bush a certain shape, additional pruning is required.

Pruning roses is best done in early spring. In climbing and climbing plants, old, dead shoots are removed, bush stems are cut at a height of 20-30 cm above the ground

High dolphiniums reaching 2 meters give the flowerbed a special vibrant flavor. Their slender stems soar upward, releasing many large, vibrant flowers that resemble the inhabitants of salty open spaces - dolphins. The marine theme is also associated with the colors of various varieties of delphinium - from pale lilac to deep purple and sky blue. The most successful place for planting a plant is the center of a flower bed or a site along the wall of a high fence.

Delphinium is very difficult to grow seedlings, so experts recommend the use of dividing the bush and planting the cuttings. A good period for breeding - early spring or August

To decorate borders or a lawn, you can use violets - small bright flowers that strike a variety of varieties. They are very fond of moist soil, but do not tolerate stagnation of water, so the landing site should be well drained. Violet blooms profusely, but requires the timely removal of wilted buds. This simple procedure guarantees an extension of the flowering period and an increase in the size of the plant.

Some varieties of violets propagated by seeds, for others, green cuttings are more suitable, which is best done in early summer

Shade-tolerant flower varieties

Shaded garden corners often look monotonous, boring and abandoned due to the strong belief that nothing takes root there. In fact, there are many beautiful plants that can turn even the darkest part into a colorful meadow. These include both perennials and noble herbs, the main decorative element of which is variegated, striped, spotty and colorful leaves. Let's consider what flowers to plant in the garden in the most shady areas in order to revive them.

Moderately flowering plants

Bright pink and blue flowers stand out against a background of greenery low plant - Lungwort. The three most common species perfectly tolerate the shadow - the medicinal lunar, Dacian and red. The plant is valued for its versatility and unpretentiousness: early spring flowering in the summertime is replaced by the decorative motley leaves, which lasts until the first snow. One individual is able to develop and bloom for 30 years.

The beautiful honey plant and digitalis are also easy to apply to shading. The lack of sunlight does not prevent her from reaching a height of one and a half meters and scattering with juicy pale pink or snow-white buds. In order to turn a boring corner of the garden into a comfortable zone for reading or relaxing, it is enough to put a bench and surround it with lush digitalis bushes - a gloomy place will come to life and will sparkle with bright colors.

In low light conditions, it is recommended to use vegetative propagation. Old pieces of the rhizome of the Lungwort die off, and isolated branches can be easily transplanted

Digitalis seeds ripen closer to the end of summer. The most viable seeds are found in boxes at the bottom of the stem, at the site of the first flowers

Original decorative herbs

Forest thickets and shady places near walls and fences are not afraid of a garden fern. From the bushes of ferns and shade-tolerant plants they form beautiful green compositions that can decorate the garden, the recreation area, and the adjoining territory. The most popular varieties of fern: adiantum, leaflet, mnogoryadnik, ostrich, coomber.

Fern is easily propagated by spores that are best sown in early spring. The optimal soil for planting is a mixture of fertile forest land and peat

The garden will not do without a diva of shady zones - hosts, different varieties of which set the mood of the lower tier. Inexpressive flowering is compensated by the beauty and nobility of exquisite leaf plates, which can be decorated with wide white stripes, marble stains, large specks or a blue-violet border.

Long-term hosts feel great for several seasons in one place, so the soil occasionally needs to be dug, fertilized and mulched

The summer cottage is a great place to experiment and implement your own ideas. To turn a gloomy territory into a positive and rainbow resting place, it is enough to break a flower bed near the porch or arrange a small flower garden in the garden - the choice of its filling is for the owners.
