Psidium - a beautiful plant with medicinal fruits


Psidium is an ornamental exotic plant from the Myrtle family. It is common in the vastness of Mexico and Brazil, but in our country is grown as a houseplant. In addition to its attractive appearance, it has very fragrant and healthy fruits. It is with them that the psidium is most often depicted in the photo. Fruits can ripen even in indoor plants.

Botanical Description

Psidium is an evergreen or semi-deciduous shrub. Sometimes the plant takes on the appearance of a small tree with a lush crown. Its height ranges from 1 to 3.5 meters. Young shoots have a rectangular cut and are covered with a greenish-brown skin.

On young branches there are leathery dark green leaves. Leaflets are located on short petioles and have a relief pattern of veins. The oval leaf plate is slightly bent back along the central vein. The length of the leaf is 7-15 cm. The back side of the leaflets is covered with short thick pubescence.

In spring, small single flowers appear on young shoots. Their petals are painted white. The flowers consist of a short tube, four open petals and many yellow stamens in the center. Flowering is quite long, new buds can be on the branches at the same time as the ripened fruits.

Psidium fruits

Psidium gives very tasty and healthy fruits. Often they are simply called guavas, by analogy with one of the species. In shape, they resemble a pear or lemon and are covered with green or raspberry dense skin. Inside is a juicy and aromatic pulp of white, cream or pink flowers. In the center of the fruit are many small whitish seeds.

The pulp of psidium contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, tannins and essential oils. These fruits are simply irreplaceable with a weakened immune system or a breakdown. The delicate pulp nourishes, energizes, strengthens the lymphatic system and helps fight colds. The only contraindication is an allergic reaction.

Popular views

In the genus psidium, there are about a hundred species. Many of them are grown as crops at home. In our latitudes, psidium is grown at home as a houseplant. The most suitable in this capacity are the following types.

Psidium guayava or guava. The plant forms a sprawling bush or tree up to 10 m high. On young tetrahedral shoots paired, petiolate leaves are located. Oval foliage with a pointed edge reaches a length of 7-15 cm, and a width of 3-7 cm. On top of the sheet plate has a leathery surface, and on the bottom is felt, densely pubescent. Snow-white flowers with a diameter of 2-2.5 cm are located in the sinuses of 1-3 buds. Four months after flowering, pear-shaped fruits ripen up to 12 cm long. Under the green skin is a fragrant pink pulp with small seeds.

Psidium Guayava or Guava

Psidium coastal. The plant forms a branching shrub from the base up to 6 m high. A smooth gray bark covers the branches. Ovate or oval leaflets 5-8 cm long are located on them. The leathery sheet plate has a darker color on top and a bright lower surface. In spring, white flowers are formed with a diameter of up to 3 cm. Later, rounded fruits with yellowish skin ripen on the tree. Their diameter is 2.5-3 cm. The pulp of the fruit is juicy, sweet, white.

Psidium coastal

Cattley's psidium or strawberry. The plant has more compact forms. The bush does not exceed a height of 3 m, but annually adds up to 30 cm in growth. Glossy dark green leaves densely cover young shoots. Their length is 4-12 cm and a width of 2-6 cm. Round small fruits, with a diameter of up to 4 cm, are covered with burgundy or red skin. Under it is a white or pinkish pulp. It has an excellent taste and strawberry aroma.

Cattley's psidium or strawberry

Reproduction of the psidium

Psidium reproduces well in seed and vegetative ways. Self-collected seeds should be thoroughly washed with pulp and dried in a cool place. Crops are produced in early spring. For planting, use flat boxes with a moist sand and peat substrate. Seeds are sown in shallow holes and sprinkled with earth. The container is covered with a film to prevent quick drying. The box is placed in a bright room with an air temperature not lower than + 21 ° C.

Seeds germinate within 1-2 weeks. When reaching a height of 10-15 cm, the seedlings pinch. A week after this procedure, the plants are transplanted into separate small pots with earth for adult psidiums.

To root the cuttings, lignified shoots 10-15 cm long are cut. They must contain at least four intact leaves. The lower section for a day is immersed in a growth stimulator. After processing, the cuttings are rooted in a vertical position in a mixture of peat with perlite and covered with a cap. The air temperature must not fall below + 20 ° C. After 2 weeks, the beginnings of new roots will appear. Now you need to ventilate the seedlings daily. After a month, they can be planted and grown independently.


The psidium is transplanted as the rhizome grows. Pots should be selected in proportion to the rhizome. Young plants are transplanted every 1-2 years, and older plants every 3-5 years. The earth is partially cleaned from the roots to prevent excessive soil acidification. At the bottom of a deep pot lay a layer of drainage materials. The soil for planting psidium should include the following components:

  • river sand;
  • garden land;
  • sheet earth;
  • peat;
  • deciduous humus.

After transplantation, the plant is placed in a shaded place for 1-2 weeks.

Care Rules

At home, caring for the psidium is quite simple. It is grown in warm rooms or tropical greenhouses. The room should be bright. It is necessary to shade the shoots from the direct midday sun and provide a long daylight hours. The pot can be placed on the eastern or western windowsill. In winter, additional lighting may be required. A signal of lack of light are faded, yellowed leaves.

Throughout the year, psidium needs warmth, the optimal air temperature should be + 22 ... + 24 ° C. In summer, guava pots are recommended to be taken to the garden and placed in a small shade. It is important to choose a quiet place, without drafts and sudden changes in temperature.

Psidium is watered with warm, standing water. It allows slight drought, but does not respond well to stagnant water. In summer, the plant is abundantly watered weekly, and in winter - 2-3 times a month. Inhabitants of the tropics need to maintain high humidity. Regular spraying and a warm shower are recommended. In winter, place the psidium farther from the batteries and use a humidifier.

From April to October, fertilizers are applied to the soil. Organic complexes are preferred. Thanks to them, the leaves will become larger, and flowering - more abundant. Fertilizer is applied twice a month.

In order to get a beautiful crown, the psidium must be regularly trimmed and pinched young shoots. Flowers can be pollinated on their own, but it is recommended to help this process a little. With a soft brush, pollen is transferred from only blooming flowers to those that have already lost some of the petals.

The psidium is resistant to disease and is almost never affected by parasites. In rare cases, it can be found on the leaves of scutes or spider mites. Treat the plant with insecticides immediately.
