Rosa Abracadabra


The hybrid tea with the funny name Abracadabra is able to surprise with the unusual and unexpected colors. Only one such twig added to the bouquet will make it original. Rose Abracadabra from the group of hybrid tea varieties was created by California breeders about 20 years ago. This is the most beautiful and widely known species in its group.

Brief description of Abracadabra roses

Red-burgundy saturated, bright colors with marble patterning is characteristic of the Abracadabra rose. At the end of flowering, the pattern turns white, and the flower itself becomes burgundy. On one branch you can see the buds of white, yellow, burgundy. All tones are randomly mixed in bizarre ornamental patterns.

Original inflorescence

Advantages and disadvantages of the rose variety tea-hybrid abracadabra

The key features of the variety are:

  • attractiveness;
  • variability of color inflorescences;
  • long flowering.

The only drawback is the low resistance to cold.

Use in landscape design

Rosa climbing Abracadabra is very convenient for decorating a garden or yard in a private house. Thanks to the colorful bushes, the garden or park area will become more comfortable, will take an extraordinary look.

Rose Abracadabra climbing in landscaping

Growing a flower, how to plant in open ground

Planting is mainly practiced by seed, as well as seedlings and cuttings.

What time is the landing

Rosa Titanic - characteristics of the Dutch variety

The planting time of the varietal rose Abracadabra is not limited to strict dates. Springtime provides for the end of April - beginning of May. Autumn is the month of October.

Autumn planting should be treated with special attention. It is advisable to catch a ride before the start of a long weather.

Location selection

A sunny, well-ventilated area is selected. An open sun does not fit in the same way as a constantly shaded place. But the rose of Floribunda Abracadabra variety needs protection from strong winds. Preference should be given to neutral or slightly acid fertile loams.

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

The soil is prepared in advance. Digging of the soil to a depth of 30 cm is carried out. The soil is filled with organic and mineral fertilizers based on:

  • peat (also manure or compost) - 10-15 kg,
  • Mineral phosphorus - 100-150 g per 1 sq. m of soil.

If necessary, neutralization is applied lime or ash (up to 0.5 kg per 1 sq. M).

Preparing a hole measuring 40x50 cm, with drainage filling. The pit should be up to 70 cm deep. Crushed brick, expanded clay, crushed stone with a layer of up to 10 cm are used as drainage. The third part of the pit must be filled with a substrate in the form of a slide.

Seedlings also undergo training, which is as follows:

  • roots are shortened;
  • damaged roots are removed;
  • shoots are cut to 2-3 kidneys;
  • cuttings are dipped in a liquid mixture, including manure and clay, calculated on 2 parts of clay - 1 part of cow manure.

You can revive the roots by lowering them for several hours in the water.

Landing procedure step by step

After carrying out all the preparatory work, the landing itself will not take much time:

  1. Carefully spread the roots of the seedling in the planting pit.
  2. Seal the substrate around the bush to protect the root neck from temperature changes, and fill the hole with soil.
  3. Water the plant, avoiding moisture on the shoots. This is necessary to save from sunburn.

Attention! The root neck should be buried 5 cm below the soil level.

Planting roses in the open ground

Plant care

Rosa Abracadabra is considered a moody plant for all its beauty. The complexity of care is that:

  • the flower requires a lot of light, but not direct;
  • the rose needs abundant watering, but you can not moisten it beyond measure;
  • the flowering process can last until frost, but the reaction to the cold is negative, because the plant is heat-loving.

Watering rules and humidity

Rosa Aphrodite (Aphrodite) - variety description

Watering should be regular, but can not be reduced to the formation of waterlogging, so 1 watering per week is quite enough. In drought, you can water more often.

Top dressing and soil quality

In different periods of plant life, fertilizing is carried out in different ways. The first and second after wintering should be from organic and mineral substances. The organic solution is prepared at the rate of 1 part mullein in 6-8 parts of water. At this time, you need to make nitrogen fertilizers in the form of nitrate, urea. Organic and mineral fertilizers are recommended to alternate.

During the formation of buds, a complete mineral top dressing is applied to the soil to increase the number of ovaries. It takes 10 l of water per 1 square meter of soil, dissolves in it:

  • saltpeter - 20 g;
  • superphosphate - 40 g;
  • potash fertilizer - 15 g.

Processing with such a solution can be combined with organic feed.

Important! In re-blooming, the soil needs minerals, and the dose of nitrogen should be reduced, but the dose of potash fertilizers increases.

Pruning and transplanting

In the spring, after the snow melts, the bushes are freed from winter shelters, but in order to avoid sunburn, they are slightly darkened, for example, by the spruce branches, which are removed on cloudy days.

  • Sanitary pruning of bushes begins with the removal of dry, weak shoots.
  • Then, a shortening pruning of roses is performed by the hybrid tea Abracadabra: 3 to 5 buds are left, counting from the base. Underdeveloped bushes prune harder.
  • Spraying bushes with iron sulfate for preventive purposes.
  • Fertilizers are applied under the bushes (organic and full mineral).

Then it is dug up, the soil is prepared for plant transplantation.

Summer pruning is done to enhance flowering, to regulate this period. Pinching the tips of the shoots can delay flowering for a whole month.

In the autumn, bushes are treated differently. Old buds and actively flowering shoots are left in order not to provoke the growth of young shoots before the cold.

Features of wintering a flower

Given the need for hybrid tea roses, they are reliably covered for the winter. Before warming, it is necessary to trim the unripe shoots, buds, leaves and flowers, burn them and spray them with a 3% solution of Bordeaux liquid. With the advent of steady cold weather, the base of roses is covered with soil 20 cm high, peat, and the bush is covered with spruce paws.

Important! In severe winters with little snow, bushes need additional warming with sawdust and fabrics. Sometimes boxes are used, frames are built for insulation material, so as not to take plants.

Preparing roses for wintering in the ground


Flowering roses

Rosa Ashram - Description of a re-flowering culture

Abracadabra responds to the right choice of place and proper care with lush and plentiful flowering throughout the summer. A bush planted in the ground in the spring gives flowers in spring. If in the first year buds of the same color appear, then there is no need to be upset. Next year, fancy flowers will delight.

Period of activity and rest

The period of activity is the time of flowering roses. Plants need a quiet period of time. In the autumn, after flowering and until spring, they rest.

Care during and after flowering

Care remains normal without dressing. But with the end of flowering, a comprehensive recharge is needed. During the dormant period, it is necessary to clean the bushes in a timely manner, to remove wilted, dried buds in order to stimulate the growth of new peduncles.

What to do if it does not bloom, possible causes

Sometimes Abracadabra does not bloom, and there are reasons for this:

  • Incorrectly selected and prepared place for growing.
  • Present, blow through winds.
  • Direct sunlight falls on the bush.
  • Used poor soil.

Rosa Abracadabra - landscape decoration


It is easy to restore flowering in most cases if the cause of the lack of buds is identified and eliminated.

Flower propagation

Roses are propagated by seed or vegetative means. A simple but effective technique is the Cherenkov method (vegetative).

Seeds are most often used to breed a new variety. For example, in Crimea, on the territory of the botanical garden in the open ground, breeding is carried out on the basis of Cordesa roses purchased in Germany, new domestic varieties are being created.

Seeding is practiced in the month of April. Cuttings can be propagated in autumn and spring.

Detailed description

During vegetative propagation, the plant demonstrates amazing natural abilities to be reborn from a leaf, root or stem. Cuttings are harvested by cutting. The upper part of the handle should be made by a direct cut 3 cm above the kidney, and the lower part - obliquely and above the lower kidney.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

A constant shadow creates conditions for the accumulation of moisture, and in the evening there is a cool feeling. In such an environment, roses quickly succumb to disease and wither away. Rose Floribunda Abracadabra, which has a fairly stable immunity to various diseases, can also get sick. Proper care helps plants live and delight people.

Floriculture is an interesting, fascinating affair that not only decorates the surrounding world, but also ennobles the human soul.


Watch the video: Rosal Abracadabra y sus floraciones inusuales amarillas - rose - rosa - rosier (September 2024).