Orchid Brassia: description, varieties and types, care


Orchid brassia is part of the Orchidaceae family and has about 30 species. In nature, the flower is common in Mexico.

Description, Features

The presented type of orchids has a number of distinctive features:

  • petals are elongated, have a pointed edge and can reach a length of 15 cm;
  • peduncle small and curved;
  • aroma - a mixture of vanilla and honey;
  • the foliage is dense, lanceolate, forms rosettes in the form of a fan;
  • color - light yellow;
  • bulbs - have the shape of a pear, tightly adjacent to each other, their growth with a ladder is not excluded;
  • the lip is large and round, the color is slightly lighter than the petals.

Varieties and types of brassia

There are several types of brassia orchids that can be grown indoors:

WartyMost common. It reaches a height of half a meter and can bloom at any time of the year. Color - pale yellow. The foliage is narrow.
SpottedLarge yellow flowers with purple dots, have a vanilla flavor. Foliage narrowed and pointed at the ends.
TailedThe buds are pale yellow, curved. Compared to other varieties of orchids, there is a more intense smell.
RoyalRefers to hybrids with an unusual aroma and sophisticated appearance. The flowers are small, with proportionally raised petals.
Simmer dreamHas large buds, up to 15 cm in size. Color - light yellow with brown dots, proportionally placed on the petals. Large and wavy lip.
BrassidiumIt is distinguished by plentiful flowering, petals outwardly resemble spiders. Color - light yellow with a splash of brown.

Orchid care brassia at home

When caring for a brassia orchid at home, special skills will not be required, since the plant is included in the unpretentious category.

The flower loves bright light, but does not tolerate direct sunlight, so it should be placed on the eastern or western windowsill. A suitable temperature for the growth of orchids is considered to be + 20 ... +25 ° C, the minimum acceptable values ​​are +15 ° C. In winter, the plant needs additional illumination.

It grows poorly in dry air, so it needs regular spraying. Watering is done by immersing the pot in a basin of water for 15-20 minutes. After this procedure, all excess moisture is removed.

Planting, transplanting, pot, soil

These indoor plants negatively relate to transplants, so without the need to move the orchid is not recommended. The pot for growing a flower should be plastic or ceramic, as well as tall and spacious.

In the process of planting (the best time is spring), the orchid is slightly pressed to the edge of the container and then enough space is freed up to form the bulb.

Bulb planting is performed as deep as possible into the substrate. It is recommended to create the soil yourself, taking in equal proportions the following components:

  • charcoal;
  • moss;
  • pieces of bark;
  • universal soil for orchids.

When planting or transplanting a plant, a drainage layer consisting of gravel, pebbles and polystyrene is necessarily laid.

When transplanting a plant, it is recommended to follow this plan:

  • by transshipment, the entire lump of soil is transferred to a new container;
  • the rhizome is cleared of the old earth;
  • all roots are soaked in warm water, injured areas are removed;
  • the orchid is placed in a new pot and slightly shifted from the center;
  • ¾ pot is filled with soil for further pouring.


Reproduction of this houseplant is performed by dividing the base of the root system with pseudobulbs. The plant is separated manually or with special tools, the places of the slices are sprinkled with ground cinnamon with antibacterial properties.

Diseases and Pests

Orchid brassia is affected by such diseases and pests:

  1. Spider mite is a pest that feeds on the juice of a flower. White dots initially form below the foliage, and then the foliage acquires a brownish-gray color. To combat, apply a hot shower and treatment with acaricides (Fitoverm).
  2. Scalp and powdery worm - has a negative effect on the sinuses of the leaves. Pests are controlled by spraying with Fozalon or Karbofos.
  3. Slugs - you can get rid of these pests due to preliminary disinfection of the pot and tillage.
  4. Root rot - a disease often develops due to excessive watering, leading to wilting of the plant. You can get rid of by spraying with Fundazole.

If you follow all these rules, then the orchid will grow completely healthy.


Watch the video: Oncidium Orchid Varieties (May 2024).