Clivia: description, care, growing difficulties


Clivia is an evergreen perennial; its homeland is South African rainforest. Opened by the scientist John Lindley, it got its name in honor of Charlotte Clive - the Duchess of Northumberland. The genus Clivia of the amaryllis family has five main species, including two ornamental ones.

General description of clivia

Grassy leaves with a thickened base, collected in a rosette. The flowers are red, yellow or orange, located several in large inflorescences. Bloom twice a year. The first flowering in February or in the first decade of March, the second in late May-early June. The roots are thick and strong, able to accumulate moisture and nutrients.

The plant is considered unpretentious, it can be placed in the house on any windows. Of all the varieties, clivia miniata and clivia nobilis are cultivated. The first is used by the Zulu people in medicine as an antidote for snakebite and a remedy for fever. At the same time, experts warn that the roots of the flower are toxic due to the presence of alkaloids, so you need to use them carefully in treatment.

Types of clivia

In the wild, there are five species of clivia, based on them, by breeding, several more were bred:

  • Clivia miniata (cinnabar) is the most common variety, on one peduncle can accommodate from 15 to 20 orange-red inflorescences, the peak of flowering is February - March.
  • White - fleshy belt-type leaves, white bell-shaped flowers are collected in inflorescences of 20 pieces. Blooms in early spring.
  • Yellow - on an elongated peduncle there are several yellow-colored umbrella flowers, belt-shaped leaf plates, the peduncle opens in mid-spring.

All three species reach a height of 70 cm. In addition to these crops, there are still the following varieties

View, DescriptionInflorescencesLeavesFlowering time

Noble - bred in the Old World in the distant 1828.

The length of the plant is 30 cm.

On a half-meter peduncle, up to 60 orange inflorescences of a tubular-drooping form are located.The xiphoid is dark green in color.The second half of February.
Nobilis (nobilis) - the birthplace of the plant Cape Province of South Africa.The flower stalk is thick and elastic; several umbrella flowers of pale red ripen at the end.Long, deep green with a narrower end.The second half of winter.
Gardena (gardenii) - discovered in 1856 by Robert Gardena.

Plant height up to 50 cm.

Red-orange bell-buds.Xiphoid, length varies from 40 to 90 cm.The end of autumn - the beginning of winter
Beautiful.50-60 tubular inflorescences of orange color.The length of the culture is 30 cm.Mid January - early February.
Citrina (citrina) - bred at the beginning of the XIX century. Culture growth - 60 cm.Creamy.Bright green strap-shaped.February to March.
Stem - the year of opening 1943.Red-orange bell-shaped.Forms a stem from the lower drying leaf plates from which air roots appear.Spring and summer, less often autumn.
Amazing - discovered in 2002.The drooping inflorescences are bluebells of coral-orange color.The base is burgundy, and in the middle is a white stripe.Winter.
Variegate.Blooming bells of ocher color.Smooth belt-shaped painted with a white stripe in the middle.May June.

Height reaches 2 m.

Bluebell flowers are collected in an umbrella brush.Long, xiphoid form.January.

Home Care Clivia - Seasonal Table

In order to grow a healthy and beautiful plant, the following should be considered.

SeasonSummerRest periodThe appearance of a flower stem
Temperature condition.+ 20 ... +25 ° C.+ 12 ... +15 ° С. + 20 ... +25 ° C.
Lighting.Natural, in the open air in partial shade.Put on a windowsill in a northern location, pritenit.Rearrange to western or eastern windows, maximum lighting, but direct sunlight should be avoided.
Watering.Slight as moisture evaporates.From once a week to once a month.Slight as moisture evaporates.
Top dressing.Once every 14 days.Do not spend.Once every two weeks.
Humidity.Not important, the leaves are washed as the surface dusts.

Soil requirements

For clivia, proper drainage is required. The best mixture is in a ratio of 2: 2: 1 - from sheet earth, turf and sand. You can use another combination of 1: 2: 1 - from humus, turf and peat, also add a little sand.

Watering and feeding

On warm days of clivia, regular watering is necessary. During dormancy, it is practically not carried out or it is extremely rare to moisten the earth. During flowering, plentiful irrigation with water at room temperature is recommended.

Organics and mineral additives to the culture are required in a proportion of 2 g per 2 liters of water and only at the time of flowering. Top dressing is shown once every half a month. They also give a minimal amount of nitrogen fertilizers, because they slow down flowering and, conversely, cause increased leaf growth.

Periods of flowering and dormancy

So that the abundant flowering of clivia does not cause its depletion, it is recommended to ensure sufficient recreation. Plants rest 2-3 months before the start of the forcing of buds. Thus, if they bloom in spring, then they should be at rest in the winter. And if opened in the winter, then restore power in the fall. At this time, the culture is transferred to a cooler room, the temperature in which is kept within + 10 ... +12 ° С.

Simultaneously with the transfer, watering is reduced, and if the leaves fall, then moisturization is carried out with a small amount of water. At this time, culture is not fed anything.

The rest period ends at the moment when the plant releases a flower arrow, its length can be about 10-15 cm. The flowerpot is transferred to a warm room and watered abundantly. At the time of budding and flowering, it is not recommended to transfer the flower to another room or to the street, because due to a change in temperature, clivia can lose buds without opening them.

After flowering, watering continues, gradually preparing the plant for a dormant period.

Young clivia delight the eye with their inflorescences annually, adults - twice a year.

Landing and transplanting

Despite the whimsical conditions of detention, clivia is difficult to tolerate transplantation. Therefore, they are disturbed only when the roots come to the surface. Young cultures are transplanted no more than 1 time per year, adults ⎼ 1 time every two to three years.

For plants whose age has reached 10 years, the soil is refined, removing the top layer in the pot to a depth of 5 cm and replacing it with a new one.

Transshipment from a smaller pot to a larger one begins after flowering. When a wound appears, it is sprinkled with powdered activated carbon powder so that the roots do not rot. Each subsequent container is taken 3 cm more than the previous one. In too large containers, the plant will be engaged in the growth of the root system, and not the formation of the peduncle.

Drain stones are placed at the bottom, then the already prepared soil mixture. If they buy it in a store, then they choose land for orchids, which is ideal for clivia.

Before placing the soil mixture in a pot, it must be decontaminated. There are several ways to do this:

  • put in the microwave for a few minutes;
  • treat with hot water or a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate);
  • place for a quarter of an hour in the oven at maximum temperature.

Such measures are designed to destroy fungal spores and pest larvae. The use of fungicides and other chemicals is not advisable, since it also kills beneficial microorganisms.

About 30 g of fertilizers, which include phosphate rock, are added to the prepared soil.

Transplantation Sequence:

  • Clivia is watered several hours before the transplant. Wet earthen lump carefully removed. If there are rotten or broken roots, they are cut, the wounds are treated with activated carbon powder.
  • Drainage is poured into the bottom of the pot.
  • Then a layer of soil 3 cm thick is poured and the flower is transferred. They straighten the roots and fill with the remaining soil to the root neck.


Clivia is propagated in several ways:

  • Bulbs are formed near the adult culture; they are carefully dug up and planted in other pots.
  • It can be propagated by cuttings; for this, they wait until 4 independent leaves appear on the process and are separated from the mother plant after flowering. First placed in a room with a temperature of + 16 ... +18 ° C, moderately watered. After 2 weeks, the young shoots take root and care for them in the same way as for large flowers.
  • Clivia seeds can be obtained at home from flowers older than 7 years. They are planted in small trays immediately after harvesting from the mother plant, since they rapidly lose their growing capacity (ability to germinate). The containers are covered with polyethylene or a mini-greenhouse. Shoots will appear in 30 days, and planting in a permanent dish is made after the appearance of the first true leaves.

Pests and diseases of clivia - how to treat

If the soil was disinfected before the plant was transplanted, then the likelihood that it will become sick is minimal. Most often, pests of clivia are: mealybug, rot and shield aphid.

PestWhat to treat
Mealybug - leaves spots in the form of cotton wool.The pest is removed with wet cotton buds, with severe damage, insecticides are used.
Shield aphids - brownish-red spots appear on leaf plates.To kill insects, a few drops of industrial alcohol or kerosene are added to a soap-containing solution. The affected areas are treated with it, and then they are sprayed with Intavir, Akarin, Aktara or a solution of green soap.
Rot causes yellowing of the leaf, and the flower dies.Help consists in removing rotting roots, treating wounds with activated carbon, and transplanting into a new pot.

Mistakes in Clivia Care

In addition to pests, clivia can fade from improper care at home for her.

ManifestationCauseRemedial measures
Leaves turn yellow.Natural aging leaf plate.Not required.
Excessive or insufficient watering.Remove rotten roots, treat wounds. Reduce or increase depending on the reason for watering.
Low fertilizer content.Every 2 weeks during the flowering period, top dress.
Redistribution of forces at the time of flowering.Remove the flower stalk after flowering.
Reaction to drafts.Move to a place closed from drafts.
Frequent moving around the apartment.Carry only for relaxation or flowering.
The consequences of a transplant.Wait for rooting, maintain the correct temperature and observe the watering regime.
Brown spots.Sunburn.Move to partial shade.
Leaves become faded and pale.Irregular top dressing.Follow the recommendations on the number of top dressings.
There are no pests, but the leaves rot.Damage to the root system.Stop watering, wait for the land to dry.
Brownish tint at the tips of leaf plates.Excess moisture.Moderate watering, to prevent the accumulation of water in pallets.

Mr. Summer Resident informs: Clivia - a flower for Sagittarius

Since for most types of this culture the flowering period falls in November and December, when according to the astrological calendar the sun is in the sign of Sagittarius, astrologers consider clivia to be its patron flower.

At the same time, the plant is surrounded by signs and superstitions. Most of them are related to the fact that it is poisonous. Therefore, neither flowers nor the fruits of the plant should be eaten categorically.

Particularly cautious should be families with small children who are attracted by bright inflorescences. Signs of juice poisoning include vomiting, abdominal pain, chills, and a sleeping state.

It is recommended that people who wish to increase their well-being carry out a simple ritual: during flowering, a yellow coin must be put in the flowerpot.

There is such a sign: if clivia bloomed and flowering suddenly broke, the owners of the house are waiting for a change, and material losses are possible. If a healthy flower suddenly dies, then superstitious people also consider this an alarming signal.

You should not have any view in the bedroom, the best room is the living room. The leaves of the xiphoid form symbolize the victory over the enemies, so the esotericists advise placing the flower in the offices for success and protection from competitors.
