Tamarix: description, types, landing and care


Tamarix is ​​a plant that belongs to the Tamarix family. It includes about 70 varieties. This garden crop prefers a hot, arid climate.

Under natural conditions, tamarix grows on salt marshes, in deserts and mountains, on rocky and sandy shores. The distribution area includes the Caucasus, Southern Europe, Africa and Central Asia.

Description of Tamarix

Tamarix is ​​an unpretentious perennial that is highly decorative. Shrubs and trees are formed from orange or red branches. The height of an adult plant varies from 1.5 to 12 m. The evergreen dense crown is formed by flexible shoots. The flowering period begins in May and lasts until the end of August. The result is a complex fetus. He becomes a five-sided pyramidal box, in which there are small seeds, decorated with tuft.

Scaly leaves are characterized by a sedentary arrangement and small size. They can be painted in emerald, dark green or bluish tint.

Among the distinguishing features are also quick adaptation, drought tolerance and strong aroma. Because of the latter, tamarix is ​​considered a honey plant.

During flowering, bushes are covered with bright spreading panicles or brushes. They are assembled from small corollas, which in appearance resemble balls. Of these, preparations are often prepared that have a tonic and laxative effect. Many gardeners plant perennials in order to strengthen the sandy soil. There are no special difficulties with the landing. The gas contamination of city streets will not adversely affect the development of this plant.

Varieties of tamarix

Winter-hardy varieties are especially popular. They are often planted in the middle lane.

Height (m)
Branched (branched)The crown is vertical. At the ends of the branches there are green shoots with awl-shaped leaves 1.5 cm long.
Up to 2.
Inflorescences are pink racemose. Blossoms June-September.
LooseIt has a spreading crown. Leaf blades are characterized by an ovoid shape. Branches can be green and bluish. Flowering lasts for 2 months. Unpretentious to the soil cover.

Up to 5.

Pink corollas are gathered in magnificent brushes.
ChetyrehtychinkovyThe arched branches have a red tint. Emerald leaves are lanceolate. The flowering period falls on April-May. Durability, high drought resistance.

Reaches 10.

Inflorescences can be painted in various shades. The petals are rounded.
ElegantFormed from leathery shoots stained in chestnut or brown. In the sinus area there are inclusions, the leaves are pointed. Blooming corollas adorn the garden throughout the warm season.

Not higher than 4.

Coral flowers are collected in panicles.
MeyerLush bushes can suffer due to a sharp drop in temperature. The bark has a reddish tint, leaf blades are bluish-green.

Until 3.

Inflorescences are painted in pale pink.
Views are arranged sequentially, as in the table

Landing Tamarix in the open ground

Tamarix is ​​a beautiful, tenacious and undemanding plant. To achieve maximum decorative effect, you must:

  • Find a suitable landing site. The plot should be well lit. This is due to the photophilia of tamarix. If it is planted in the shade, it will wither.
  • Prepare the ground. Garden crops do not grow well on heavy, excessively moist soils. To make the land lighter, add peat or sand to it. With increased acidity, lime is used.
  • Choose a time to land. Tamarix is ​​planted in autumn or spring. The latter option is more preferable. This is due to the faster survival of the plant.

It is placed in pre-prepared wells. The diameter of each of them is 60 cm. A mixture of humus and wood ash is placed on their bottom.

Then the pit is filled with a composition of earth, peat and sand. All components are taken in equal proportions. After planting, the soil is compacted, and the seedlings are shed with warm, settled water.

Care for tamarix in the garden

During the first 3-4 weeks, tamarix is ​​protected from the sun. Shelter is removed after real leaflets appear on the shoots. The intensity of irrigation depends on the age of the seedling.

To prevent evaporation of the liquid, the soil around the plant is covered with a layer of mulch.

Irrigation regularity is determined taking into account weather conditions. If the summer is too rainy, the gardener should not water the tamarix on its own.

After wetting, the soil in the near-stem circle must be loosened. Another important agricultural measure is weeding. With timely removal of weeds, the garden crop will receive a sufficient amount of nutrients.

Organic fertilizers are applied to the ground in spring. In summer, tamarix is ​​sprayed with solutions containing potassium and phosphorus.

Having chosen winter-hardy varieties, the gardener can not worry about shelter until the air temperature drops to -28 ° C. To protect the bush from hypothermia, the roots are covered with fir spruce and wood sawdust. Trunks of woody species are wrapped with a polymer film and a dense fabric. If everything is done correctly, plants can survive even severe frosts.


Tamarix is ​​pruned in early spring. If the treatment is carried out for sanitary purposes, then only old and damaged branches are removed. They can suffer from mechanical stress and a sharp drop in temperature. Frostbite parts must be removed.

Pruning is often done to form a regular symmetrical shape. In any case, the stems can be shortened only before the buds swell. If all recommendations are followed, the length and number of inflorescences will not change, and the bush will become more magnificent.

Tamarix can be cut in the fall. Most often this is done to maintain a well-groomed and spectacular appearance. Under current circumstances, fading inflorescences and stems that are excessively extended are treated.

The result of the procedure is a more stable position of the plant. Thanks to this, you can refuse to use supports. By means of systematic pruning, a quick thickening of the crown is prevented, and the rejuvenation of adult bushes is accelerated. In this case, the branches are removed under the root.


Tamarix is ​​propagated in two ways.


Growing a seedling using this method is quite difficult. This is due to the fact that the seed loses its germination rate too quickly. Therefore, the sooner it is placed on the ground, the higher the likelihood of the emergence of viable sprouts. First, seeds are planted in containers filled with prepared soil. Over the next two years, the plant must be kept in a warm room. Landing is carried out in the third year;

Vegetative way

The most popular method available. In this case, young branches are used for reproduction, separated from the adult tamarix. Their length should be at least 20 cm. Cutting is carried out in the autumn period. Immediately after separation, the processes must be placed in a container filled with warm water. After the appearance of the first roots, the branches are planted in a container into which a mixture of sand and peat is filled. Sprouts are kept at home until the end of spring. They need good lighting.

In addition to cuttings, layering can be used. They are also separated in the spring. A branch that has managed to grow bark is dug into the soil, paying particular attention to fixation. The slice is pre-treated with a growth stimulator. In this case, the formation of the root system will end in August.

Diseases and Pests

Tamarix is ​​resistant to most pests. If there are plants susceptible to them in the vicinity of the indicated garden crop, bushes for prophylaxis must be treated with insecticides. Fungal diseases most often develop in the rainy period. In this case, the soil must be treated with fungicides. Affected branches are destroyed.

Mr. Dachnik recommends: tamariks in landscape design

Through this garden culture, you can green any garden plot. Of the bushes are hedges and group compositions. In the latter, the plant usually occupies an average plan. Shrub-shaped beads (another name for tamarix) make mixed plantings voluminous and original.

Tamarix can also be planted as a tapeworm. Experienced gardeners recommend choosing several different varieties. Thus provide maximum decorative effect. It is often placed next to dwarf spruce, arborvitae and juniper. This list is complemented by Kerry, Jasmine, Barberry, Spirea and Lilac.

Evergreen and deciduous culture is successfully cultivated in personal plots. Various species and varieties are planted to fix the shores and sandy soil. Some of them can be grown at home. Tamarix harmoniously looks in mixborders and in ordinary pots. Near bushy and tree-like forms, elements such as decorative streams and natural stones are often installed.


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