Hydrangea chlorosis: symptoms, treatment


Hydrangea is deservedly called the queen of the garden, every self-respecting grower must have at least one bush. It's a shame when a magnificent garden flower becomes ugly, the leaves become stained, turn yellow, become dull. Inflorescences are formed a little. The reason for such metamorphoses is physiological or infectious chlorosis, which causes a violation of the synthesis of chlorophyll. When I encountered such a problem, I began to look for ways to treat the flower. Source: ohclip.site

Symptoms and causes of hydrangea chlorosis

An infectious type of disease is caused by viruses. They fall into the leaves from sucking insects: aphids, thrips. In line with the root system. They are transmitted during the propagation of hydrangea bushes by division, cuttings, layering. By the way, untreated garden tools can become a source of infection.

In the infected shoots, yellow spots are immediately visible, which darken over time. Leaves become fragile, curl. Young leaves grow small. When digging a bush, you can see damage to the root system. Alas, it is not always possible to cure such a shoot.

Non-infectious iron deficiency chlorosis in hydrangea can occur throughout the season. Its appearance is associated with adverse weather conditions. My plant got sick after long rains. The drainage groove was clogged, the bushes were on the neck in the water. Leaves turn yellow with a lack of trace elements, lack of acidity.

Hydrangeas do not like alkaline environments. A plant develops carbonate chlorosis.

Methods for the treatment of chlorosis in hydrangea

The methods of control depend on the form of the disease. When browning spots are not visible, I feed flowers. After my hydrangeas got sick, for prophylaxis I water two-three times a season with iron chelate - an acidified solution of iron sulfate. A neighbor makes complex fertilizers for hydrangeas, believes that they are better. In our area, the soil is fertile, so I prefer iron. Spray drugs on the leaves.

Infectious chlorosis is useless to treat. Affected hydrangea is burned. The soil is disinfected with solutions of drugs, in addition it is shed with boiling water.

A number of drugs have been developed for non-infectious patients, because greenhouse crops, fruit trees, and berry plants are affected by chlorosis.

What can be applied:

  • Mikom-reakom used for root and foliar dressing;
  • Ferovit in addition to chelates contains a growth stimulator;
  • Nest M is similar to Ferovit, but may differ in concentration, recommended 5%;
  • Agricola for indoor plants - microfertilizer, which has all the components necessary for hydrangea;
  • Antichlorosis-Mr. Color - a universal drug with a telling name;
  • Brexil is released with calcium and magnesium, the composition is indicated on the label.
  • Valagro improves plant cell metabolism, the production of chlorophyll;
  • Orton is used for spraying with initial manifestations.

When purchasing any of the drugs, it is worth reading the instructions. It’s dangerous to introduce chelated iron “by eye”, the soil can be acidified.

Folk remedies cooked at home

I make iron chelate on my own at home. I try to use up freshly prepared preparations based on iron sulfate within two weeks, while the characteristic color remains.

I will share the recipes that have been given to me by experienced growers growing rare varieties that strike with splendor.

Working solution for spraying, you will need:

  • citric acid 4 g (1/2 dessert spoon);
  • vitriol - 2.5 g (1/2 teaspoon);
  • warm water 1 liter.

When mixing the ingredients, a solution of orange color is obtained. I spend foliar top dressing of bushes with an interval of 10 days.

Concentrate for watering, you need to take a bucket of water:

  • 100 g of iron sulfate;
  • 200 g of ascorbic acid (you need to buy clean, without glucose at the pharmacy).

For treatment through leaves, I increase the volume of water by 4 times. For watering, I take a liter of solution in a bucket of settled water. By the way, when you water the flowers with a warm preparation, they quickly come to their senses.

And if you need to quickly restore decorativeness, it is better to use sprinkling, then the solution will fall on the leaves and under the root.

Another tip: a home-made chelate is kept in a cool dark place for 24 hours.

Resistant Hydrangea Varieties

Some highly decorative hydrangea varieties are not prone to chlorosis. As a rule, those that are not whimsical to the composition of the soil. Anabel, Vanilla Freyz, Kyushu, Lime Light

The list of flowers recommended by gardeners for growing in central Russia:

  • Large-leaved tree-like variety Anabel with white spherical inflorescences up to 1.2 meters high;
  • Paniculate: Kiushu "with white flowers, lanceolate leaves, grows on all soils except sandy ones; Vanilla frees with white-pink pyramidal inflorescences forms a crown up to 2 m in diameter, bush height 1.5 m;
  • The Dutch Lime Light variety with pale green lettuce petals and shaggy hats is resistant to temperature contrast; it changes the color intensity depending on top dressing.

Hydrangeas will please if you feed on time, which includes iron. The bushes bloom for two months, suitable for curb and individual planting.


Watch the video: Chlorosis! How to Treat Yellowing Foliage. Garden Answer (October 2024).