Processing grapes from pests and diseases in the spring


Grapes are a fertile tree that is grown in many countries. Around the world, work is underway to improve the taste of its berries, increase productivity. However, this makes no sense if the plant is not healthy. Processing grapes in the spring from pests and diseases will help to avoid pathological conditions of the crop.

The need to process grapes in spring

Spring treatment is needed to prevent diseases, the activity of pests.

The problem is easier to prevent than to spend a lot of time and effort to eliminate it.

If the culture was cultivated in the spring, this does not mean at all that manipulations will not be necessary in the summer. However, preventive measures reduce the risk of diseases, pests, increase the number of crops.

Processing can be performed using:

  • spraying;
  • watering the earth around the bush, followed by loosening (13-15 cm), mulching with peat or compost.

You can use folk recipes, biological products, chemicals.

The application of the first two options is advisable only for preventive purposes or with a slight damage to the grapes by diseases, pests.

With a neglected state, chemicals are indispensable.


Grapes are most often affected by fungal diseases that affect the berry vine. Spores await the winter on plant debris. Mildew on grapes

Moreover, they do not die at low or high temperatures. As soon as optimal conditions are created, the fungus begins its vital activity. Common and most dangerous include:

  • False powdery mildew (mildew) - with damage to the greens, oily spots appear. Soon they grow. It occurs due to high humidity. If the disease is started, the grapes will die.
  • Powdery mildew (oidium) is the main symptom: a grayish coating on the aerial part of the tree. Due to the defeat, the berries crack, drupes are exposed.
  • Anthracnose - brown spots appear. As a result, the green dies and falls.
  • Black rot - the causative agent of the disease penetrates during the flowering period, in the form of necrosis affects the leaves, destroys the fruits. It is very dangerous for grapes, without taking measures, it will die in 2-3 days.
  • Gray rot - most often affects young shoots and vines, destroys the crop. It occurs due to the density of planting.
  • Bitter rot - a black, ashy fungus, appears in the cracks of berries that come in contact with the soil. Wine from such berries acquires a bitter aftertaste.
  • Black spotting (Marsonin) - manifests itself in early summer as dark dots on foliage, berries darken, wood rots.

Predisposing factors for diseases are errors in care. If the disease can be cured, in the future it is necessary to revise the conditions for its cultivation. Oidium grape

However, varieties resistant to the listed lesions were developed.


Insects wait for the cold in fallen leaves and thickened plantings. Pests in a single amount will not harm the grapes. However, they multiply rapidly, without treatment they will destroy the bush. Affected trees become weakened, because of this they are affected by diseases.

The most dangerous harmful insects:

  • Phyloxera is a microscopic insect, somewhat reminiscent of a dark aphid. It lives on the surface of the earth, sucks juice from rhizomes, which provokes the development of bacteriosis and fungus. It is difficult to exterminate the pest, therefore protection is extremely necessary.
  • Marble Khrushchev - a large bug (up to 3 cm) of a dark brown hue. Especially dangerous are larvae that infect roots up to 300 cm.
  • Leafworm - caterpillars eating buds and berries. You can determine the damage to insects by the web on young shoots of a tree.
  • Grape motley is a greenish-blue flying insect that reproduces in high humidity. Pest larvae eat buds and leaves.
  • Cicadas - jumping butterflies that feed on the sap of a plant. This provokes the weakening, the spread of viral and fungal infections. In just one season, the pest can destroy all the crops in the garden. It settles in plant remains, thickened plantings.
  • Spider mite is a microscopic insect. It is almost impossible to see with the naked eye. A pest sucks juice from young branches, leaves. Active life begins in arid weather, with a lack of moisture. Affected trees dump foliage, dry up. A spider mite can be identified by a thin web between leaves, bunches, flat plaques on the underside of the plates.
  • Wasps - they pollinate during flowering, but by the end they become pests. They eat berries, which prevents the collection, spoils the fruits.
  • Slugs and snails - eat greens, worsen photosynthesis. Appear with excessive humidity.

It is quite difficult to exterminate the listed pests. In most cases, the use of toxic drugs is necessary, which is not very good for a fruit tree.

The procedure for the spring processing of grapes, the rules for the use of drugs

Typically, grapes are sheltered for the winter. In spring, when the temperature stabilizes, the tree is gradually opened, the branches are tied up. After the complete removal of the shelter, preparation for the upcoming season begins:

  1. After wintering (in central Russia - April 1-15, in the south - in March), treat with fungicides. After a couple of weeks, the manipulations are repeated.
  2. The second spraying is carried out in the second half of May, before flowering. Insecticides against insects and fungicides from diseases are used. If the tree was hit by parasites, treatment must be repeated after 10-12 days.
  3. The last spraying is done after flowering with contact insecticides and fungicides.

Processing is prohibited during bud formation. During the summer, therapeutic measures are carried out when lesions are detected. In the fall, the final processing is performed after the greens fall.

How to process grapes in the spring from diseases and pests: 32 best drugs

The drug, a folk recipeCooking standardsDiseases, insectsTreatment
Abiga Peak40 g / 10 l.Peronospore fungus, powdery mildew, bitter rot, Marsonin.At all stages.
Albite3 ml / 10 l.Powdery Mildew- Before the flowers.
- In the formation of fruits.
Baktofit10 ml / 10 l.At all stages, with a frequency of 1.5-2 weeks.
Bordeaux fluid3-4%.Downy mildew.Irrigation before and during the occurrence of the kidneys.
But0,15.Oidium.Triple spraying in the vegetative period with a frequency of 10-12 days.
Buzzer0,5-0,75.Muldew, Marsonin.Spraying at all stages.
Cumulus6-8.Powdery MildewTreatment when symptoms of the disease occur. The minimum interval between sprayings is 10-12 days.
Cuproxate5-6.Mildew.Irrigation in the vegetative period.
Cuprolux25-30 ml per 10 liters.Spraying at all stages.
Medea0,8-1,2.Powdery mildew, rot, marsonin.With the manifestation of the symptoms of diseases with an interval of at least 1-1.5 weeks.
Home15-20 g / 10 l.Mildew.- If symptoms are detected at least 10 days before flowering.

- Late flowering.

- The appearance of the fruit.

- When the berries reach the size of a pea.

Rapid2,5.Processing in the vegetative period with a frequency of 1.5-2 weeks.
Profit Gold4 g / 10 l.At all stages.
Sporobacterin20 g per 100 sq.m.Mildew, powdery mildew, gray rot.Processing in the vegetative period.
Coming soon0,3-0,4.Oidium, Marsonin and black rot, rubella.

- At the budding stage.

- Until the fruit of the cluster closes.

- Then with a frequency of 10-14 days.

Gates0,15-0,2.Oidium, downy mildew.Irrigation in the vegetative period. Used in conjunction with other fungicides, except for strobilurins.
Topaz0,4.Powdery MildewDuring the growing season.
Tiovit Jet30-50 g per 10 liters.Triple spraying in the vegetative period.
Homoxyl15-20 g per 10 liters.Mildew.

- If spots are detected during budding or for prophylaxis 1.5 weeks before flowering.

- After the petals fall.

- When berries appear.

Chorus0,6-0,7.All varieties of rot.

- The beginning of flowering.

- Before picking berries in clusters.

- Start of fruit staining.

Blue vitriolFor the first treatment - 300 g per bucket of water, for subsequent - 100 g.Fungal infections.At any time except the flowering period.
inkstone500 g / 10 l.Downy mildew, anthracnose.After removal of the shelter, until the appearance of the kidneys.
Ridomil Gold10 g / 4 l.Mildew.When symptoms of the disease occur.
Quadris60-80 ml / 10 l.Mildew, powdery mildew.Before and after the appearance of flowers.
Colloidal sulfur40 g per bucket of cool water.Before budding.
Vermitek5-8 ml per 10 liters.TicksEarly in the spring, during a period of swelling of the kidneys.
Bi-58Ampule on a bucket of water.Spider web and felt tick, aphid.Use in the vegetative period immediately after preparation, then the substance will cease to be effective.
Actofit20 ml per 10 liters.Leafworm, spider mite.When symptoms appear.
Trichodermin50 ml / 10 l.Active against over 50 different lesions.

- Disclosure of the kidneys.

- 3 weeks after the initial treatment.

Recommended use after rainfall.

Fitosporin15 ml / 10 l.Fungal and bacterial infections.

- During leaf opening.

- After wilting buds.

Mikosan100 ml / 4 l.Fungus.When forming the first leaves. Not used with other biological products.
Ecogel10 ml / 1 l.Fungal and bacterial lesions.- Watered under the root until the greens.

- Sprayed after leaf formation.

5 folk remedies for processing grapes from diseases and pests in the spring

The drug, a folk recipeCooking standardsDiseases, insectsTreatment
IodineBottle of 5 liters of water.Gray rot.When foliage appears.
Garlic infusion

50 g of crushed heads pour 0.5 l of water.

Insist a few hours.

Bring the volume to 1 liter.

All kinds of ticks, itching.

- Early spring.

- A few days before flowering.

Milk solution1 liter of skim milk / 10 liter of water.Powdery MildewDuring the growing season.
Laundry soap and ashDilute the proportion 1 to 1 in a bucket of cool water.Diseases and pests in the early stages of the lesion.
Onion husk infusionPour 0.5 bucket of component with water.
Boil over low heat for 20-30 minutes.
Insist 24-30 hours.
4. Strain.
Add 1 tbsp. honey.
To stir thoroughly.
Most insect pests.Before color set and after.

Beginners do not pay due attention to spring protection. This is a huge mistake. Preventive measures not only reduce the likelihood of pests and various diseases, but also make plants more resistant to adverse environmental conditions.

When using all means, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage. Otherwise, they not only do not work, but can also harm, especially chemicals.
