

Arundo reed is a perennial and heat-loving plant. Under natural conditions, it grows in tropical and subtropical regions of Africa and Eurasia near rivers, lakes and other bodies of water. Prefers the proximity of water, but requires that some of the roots are on land. Serves as building material and decoration.

Arundo belongs to the family of cereals, has a long stem with many knees. Elongated leaves, similar to corn, the color of green has a bluish tint. Panicles have a warm-colored hairy structure with a golden or silver tint, their size ranges from 20-70 cm. The plant itself reaches 1.5-4 m in height, although some specimens are able to exceed 7 m. But such giants are found in warmer and in humid climates, in the middle lane seedlings cease to grow at a level of 2 meters from the ground.

Varieties of reed arundo

Arundo has several varieties that differ from each other and can be successfully combined in the design of the site. The most famous varieties are:

  • Variegata with longitudinal light stripes on the leaves and small stature;
  • Macrophylla is a classic look with powerful leaves and fleshy stems.

Growing and caring for a plant

Arundo is thermophilic, its surface roots do not tolerate frost, so the southern regions are considered the best for cultivation. Where frost occurs in winter, it is planted in tubs. In the summer they are taken out to the street, and cleaned in warm rooms before frost. With rare and insignificant cooling, it is enough to hide the roots.

The soil is preferably sandy or sandy loam. Before planting, topsoil should be loosened, peat and a small portion of nitrogenous fertilizers added. You can plant the plant so that the roots are completely immersed in water. In more northern areas, landing offshore is preferred to allow for easy wintering. For full growth, a prerequisite is access to sunlight.

Arundo behaves quite aggressively in relation to other plants and can displace them from adjacent territories.

Stems and leaves are mobile, swaying easily in the wind, leaves can protrude from the main stem. In favorable conditions, dense bushes form along the coast, in ditches and beams.

Greens form in the spring and remain until the end of autumn. In August, flowering begins. By winter, the upper part dries out and may crack in the wind. For normal wintering, regardless of whether the rhizome is transferred to heat or not, it is necessary to cut off the upper part and cover the roots.

Plant propagation

In inflorescence, grains rarely have time to ripen, so root division is considered the best way to propagate. In favorable conditions, they grow rapidly, so you can divide 1-2 year old shoots.

Reproduction occurs in the wild. As a result of heavy rains and storms, parts of the root with the earth come off the main plant and are transported over long distances, where the life of a young shoot begins.

Useful properties of Arundo

In addition to decorative qualities, strong reed stems can be used for other purposes:

  1. Construction of fences or summer canopy. With the beginning of the warm season, the stems grow quite quickly and can be used as building material. In the southern regions, walls and entire houses are built from it.
  2. Reed is suitable for weaving furniture, making musical instruments.
  3. Writing materials were made from leaves and stems.
  4. In places prone to soil erosion, on high banks or beams, the rhizome serves as an excellent reinforcement, combining decorative functions with landscape design.
  5. Young shoots and leaves are successfully used as animal feed.
