

Aptenia is an evergreen succulent that came to us from South Africa and South America. It can be found under the name "Mezembriantemum", which translates from Greek as "blooming at noon." And her flowers really open in the middle of the day.

Main characteristics

On the shoots of aptenia, fleshy leaves are located opposite to each other. They have the correct wedge-shaped and smooth edges. The color of greenery is bright, bright. Sprouts have a creeping character and are able to grow up to 1 m in length.

Small round flowers with a diameter of up to 15 mm are formed in the axils of the leaves and at the ends of the branches. Petals take on all shades of red. After flowering, a capsule with seeds is formed, each of which is located in a separate chamber.

Aptenia has several subspecies with their own unique qualities; we will dwell on the most famous of them.

Atenia hearty

Perennial, which reaches about a quarter meter in height. Fleshy sprouts with many branches and small papillae have an oval or tetrahedral shape. The size of the lateral shoots is up to 60 cm. Dense and elastic leaves of the color of young greenery are arranged in pairs, opposite each other. The maximum sheet length is 25 mm.

Small flowers with many needle petals are painted in purple, pink and raspberry. The flowers are located on the tops of the stems, as well as in the sinuses and bases of the leaves. Their diameter does not exceed 15 mm. The flowering period begins in mid-April and lasts until the end of summer. The buds can be opened not only after, but also before lunch, however, sunny weather is mandatory for full disclosure.

Adenia variegata or variegated

It is similar to the previous one, but its leaves are smaller, have a lanceolate or heart-shaped form. It is distinguished by a yellow or white border with a gradient transition into a light green color along the central vein. Flowers are brighter, often scarlet.

Perennial fleshy leaves are used to store moisture in case of drought. Therefore, with frequent watering, they are more dense and thickened, and with a lack of water, they become thinner.

Aptenia lanceolate

It differs from previous specimens in the elongated shape of the leaves and longer lateral processes. Thin stems curl on the ground or hang down, reaching 1.5 m in length. Under natural conditions, the plant spreads on the ground, forming a continuous cover.

Small flowers are pleasing to the eye from April to October. Petals are a delicate pink or lilac color with a silver tint.


Aptenia propagates in two ways:

  1. Seed. Seeds are sown in a light sandy substrate in which they germinate quickly. Young shoots need bright lighting and a warm environment. It is recommended to maintain an air temperature of + 21 ° C. Watering is necessary frequent and plentiful, as it grows it is gradually reduced. It is important to ensure that the water does not stagnate, otherwise the roots will rot. At the age of 1 month they make a pick and transplant the sprouts into separate pots. The temperature is reduced to 16-18 ° C, watered daily.
  2. Vegetative. After cutting, the shoots are dried for several hours, and then placed in wet sand or a mixture for succulents. Can be put in water until the roots appear. To prevent rotting, activated carbon is added to the water tank. After the appearance of the roots, seedlings are transplanted into pots.

Growing at home

Aptenia does not tolerate frost, it ceases to grow even at a temperature of + 7 ° C, so potted growing in our climate is more common. Since its stems are weak, it is recommended to plant it in a cache-pot and hanging pots, from which it hangs effectively.

In summer, tubs and flowerpots are taken out to the garden or to the balcony to decorate the house area. Regardless of the place of cultivation, the most sunny places are chosen. This is necessary not only for abundant flowering, but also for the normal development of plants. With a lack of sunlight, the foliage falls, and the stems are exposed.

In the hot summer, you should be careful with the sun. Indoors, the plant may get burned, so it is necessary to provide it with an influx of fresh air for natural cooling.

In winter, the plant may suffer from excess dust and hot air from radiators. To compensate for these factors, it is recommended that you sometimes wash the plant and spray from the spray gun.

Aptenia Care

Aptenia is used to decorate flower beds, alpine hills, borders, rockeries. So that the root system does not rot, sand and deciduous substrate are introduced into the soil. Watering is often, but sparingly, to avoid stagnation of water.

In winter, tubs with aptenia are brought into cool rooms. If it is planted in open ground, then the roots must be dug up and transplanted into a portable container.

In order for the flowering in the summer to be plentiful, a rest period should be provided for the aptenia. At this time, the temperature should be maintained at a level of + 10 ° C.

In the season of active growth (from April to October), the plant needs top dressing, which is carried out once a month. The use of special fertilizers for succulents with a low nitrogen content is optimal.
