Metrosideros - fabulous flowers with a delicate aroma


Metrosideros is an amazing plant with pretty fluffy inflorescences. The numerous genus of vines, shrubs and trees belongs to the Myrtle family. Their homeland is Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand and other Pacific islands. Domestic florists are just eyeing the magnificent exotic, although the flowering metrosideros in the photo instantly prompts you to buy.


Botanical characteristics

In the genus of metrosideros, there are epiphytes with a lianike stem, sprawling shrubs, as well as trees up to 25 m high. Lignified shoots are very strong, therefore metrosideros wood is valued quite highly. For strength, some varieties are called "iron tree." In regions with a temperate climate, small specimens are cultivated, which are grown as houseplants.

Metrosideros have very beautiful foliage. Rigid, shiny sheet plates are saturated green. The underside of the leaves has a lighter shade and can be covered with short villi. There are also metrosideros variegated. The leaves have a round or oval shape with a solid edge and a pointed or blunt end. The length of the foliage is 6-8 cm. The plant does not have a pronounced resting period, and does not discard the foliage.

During the flowering period (from January to March, sometimes to May), metrosiderosa are covered with very unusual colors. The flower has no petals, but it consists of bunches of very long stamens. Pink, scarlet, white or cream flowers are collected in dense spike-shaped or paniculate inflorescences. They form in the middle of young shoots and from a distance resemble a magnificent brush or brush. The flowers exude a strong pleasant aroma that attracts insects and small birds.

After the flowers fade, small seed bolls form. As they mature, they become dark brown. They contain small seeds that quickly lose their germination.

Popular views

In the genus metrosideros, there are about 50 species. Almost everything can be used as houseplants. Even tree-like varieties when grown indoors form a low shoot of up to 1.5 m tall.

Most interesting is metrosideros kermadeksky. It is a sprawling tree up to 15 m high. Dark green broad-oval leaves are variegated. Scarlet inflorescences densely cover the branches throughout the year. Based on this species, there are such indoor varieties:

  • variegated - along the edge of a dark green leaf there is an uneven snow-white border;
  • Dewis Nikkols - the leaves have a golden middle and a dark green border.
metrosideros kermadeksky

Metrosideros felt. The species is common in New Zealand, where it is a sacred plant and is used in religious rites. The tree has a trunk branched from the base with a spreading, spherical crown. Dark green oval leaves reach 8 cm in length. The upper side of the leaf is smooth, and the lower side is covered with thick whitish pubescence. Flowering begins in December, when young branches are covered with spherical inflorescences of a dark pink or red hue. Known varieties:

  • aureya - blooms with yellow inflorescences;
  • aureus - on the green leaves there is a golden border.
Metrosideros felt

Metrosideros hill forms a tall bush or highly branched tree up to 4 m high. Branches cover small, rounded leaves. Flowers are collected in cylindrical orange, salmon or yellow inflorescences. Indoor variety called metrosideros Thomas. It forms a beautiful bush up to 1 m high.

Metrosideros Thomas

Metrosideros powerful has the form of a spreading, tall tree. Young oblong leaves are covered with brown spots, which gradually disappear. In adult foliage there is a characteristic notch on the edge. Since November, the tree is covered with large scarlet inflorescences.

Metrosideros powerful

Metrosideros karminea - a lianike plant with dark green fine foliage. Glossy leaves are interspersed with spherical red inflorescences. The dwarf variety is called the Carousel. It also resembles a tiny creeper and is covered with beautiful flowers from February to March.

Metrosideros karminea

This variety allows you to choose and buy metrosideros, which will forever remain the favorite of the grower.


Propagation of metrosideros is carried out by the method of sowing seeds or rooting cuttings. Seed propagation is considered ineffective. Even every fifth seed sprouts from fresh seeds. Sowing is carried out in a wet sandy peat substrate. Seeds are buried in the soil by 5-10 mm. The plate is covered with a film and left in a bright and warm place. Every day, the soil is ventilated and sprayed as necessary from the spray gun.

Shoots appear after 2-3 weeks. After 4 true leaves appear, they are pickled into separate pots. Flowering in seedlings begins with 4-5 years of life.

During vegetative propagation, apical cuttings are cut with 2-3 internodes, up to 10 cm long. The lower pair of leaves is removed, and the cut is treated with a stimulator for root growth. Landing is made in moist soil from sand and peat. Top stalk is covered with a jar. When the roots appear, the seedlings plant and remove the shelter. Flowering of rooted cuttings is possible after 3 years.

Plant Care Rules

In vain, some gardeners are afraid to get involved with this exotic. Caring for metrosideros at home is quite simple. The plant needs bright light and a long daylight. Moreover, direct sunlight is preferable. Metrosideros feels good on the eastern and southern windowsills. In the summer it is recommended to take out the pots on the balcony or in the garden. Shading is not necessary.

Regardless of the time of year, the plant needs a constant influx of fresh air. It is not afraid of drafts and night cooling. The optimum air temperature is + 22 ... + 25 ° C. After flowering is completed, it is recommended to lower the temperature to + 8 ... + 12 ° C. The most frost-resistant species is powerful metrosideros. It withstands frosts down to -5 ° C and can be grown in open ground.

For abundant flowering, the plant needs to provide cool air during dormancy and bright sun. Water it abundantly once a week. The surface of the earth should dry by half. When the temperature drops, watering is reduced. Metrosideros is not demanding on air humidity. In summer, leaves can be sprayed or washed from dust under a warm shower. However, the ingress of water on pubescent leaves and inflorescences leads to spots and wilting.

From March to September, watering is combined with fertilizer twice a month. For metrosideros, complex mineral compositions for flowering plants are suitable. It is important not to exceed the dosage. If the leaves begin to turn yellow, the amount of fertilizer applied should be reduced.

As the rhizomes grow, they transplant. Usually metrosideros transplanted every 2-4 years. At the bottom of the pot with large drainage holes lay a layer of pebbles or vermiculite. The soil mixture can be composed of the following components:

  • soddy soil;
  • peat;
  • river sand;
  • leaf soil.

A large tree is usually not replanted, but the top of the soil is regularly updated. Metrosideros perceives pruning well. The procedure can be carried out throughout the year, getting rid of unwanted growth.

Metrosideros is resistant to most diseases. Excessive watering may develop root rot. In dry air, spider mites or scale insects settle on leaflets. Parasites are disposed of with the help of effective insecticides (Actellik, Fitoverm and others).
