Hamedorea - thickets of grassy palm trees


Hamedorea is a low bushy plant with beautiful emerald leaves. It belongs to the Palm family, although it has a very atypical appearance. Bright dense greens are very decorative, so the plant is often used for interior decoration in homes and offices. Moreover, chamedorea not only decorates the interior, but purifies the air and absorbs harmful impurities. At home, palm leaves are also used for making salads. In nature, Hamedorea can be found on the expanses of tropical forests and foothills of South and Central America. Due to the similarity of thin stems with bamboo, it is also called the "bamboo palm".

Plant description

Hamedorea - ornamental deciduous perennial plant. It has a lignified rhizome and a low stem. Thin vertical shoots depart from it. In indoor conditions, the height of the vegetation does not exceed 2-2.3 m. Every year, chamedorea grows only 1-2 new leaves, so there is no need to wait for the rapid development of tropical thickets. Several thin shoots grow from one rhizome at once, which give the plant the appearance of a small bush.

The foliage is concentrated in the upper part of the sprout. As they age, the lower leaves fall off, leaving a light ring with dry films on the stem. At the top are several cirrus dissected bright green leaves. The length of one sheet plate reaches 40 cm. It has a solid shape or slightly bifurcated at the end. Parallel veins are visible on the surface.

Hamedorea is a dioecious plant, that is, each individual blossoms separately male and female flowers. They appear in the axils of the leaves. On long spike-shaped inflorescences, male flowers gather. In shape, they resemble small yellow or reddish balls. Inflorescences exude a strong, pleasant aroma. Inflorescences themselves look like mimosa. Female flowers grow solitary on an elongated peduncle and are painted in orange or yellow.

In order to get fruits at home, you can plant them in one pot or place pots with male and female plants next to them. Pollination occurs with the help of insects. Some gardeners independently transfer pollen with a brush. After pollination, small rounded fruits ripen up to 6 mm in diameter. They have black skin and juicy flesh. In the center is a single seed.

Inexperienced gardeners often find it difficult to distinguish a hovea from a chamedorea. Some believe that these are different names for the same plant, but there is a difference. Although the two palms are similar, the hovea develops much faster and within a few years is much ahead of the chamedorea in height. Even in indoor conditions, the hovea can easily reach a height of 3-4 m. But the chamedorea blooms much earlier, and its foliage is softer and brighter. It is concentrated in the upper part of the shoot and grows in a bunch.

Popular types of Hamedorea

The genus of Hamedorea includes 107 species of plants, however, only some of them are popular in the culture.

Hamedorea graceful (elegans, beautiful). Thin shoots grow 1.5-2 m in height, and only 2.5-3 cm wide. At the same time, from one rhizome grows up to 7 stems. Each pinnate-dissected leaf is curved in an arc. It grows by 0.4-1 m in length. Lanceolate segments of a light green hue grow 8-10 pairs on one petiole. The variety develops well in room conditions and often blooms.

Hamedorea graceful

The variety is very popular. hamedorea bridble. It is very similar to the main plant, but differs in brighter and more fragrant inflorescences. The height of the palm tree in this case does not exceed 1.5 m.

Hamedorea Bridble

Hamedorea high. Every year, new shoots grow from the root itself. Thin erect stems resemble bamboo shoots. Light rings from fallen leaves remain on their surface. At the top of each trunk is 4-6 cirrus-dissected dark green leaves. Narrow-lanceolate lobes have a pointed edge. They grow on long stalks. During flowering, bright orange panicle inflorescences with a pleasant aroma appear.

Hamedorea high

Hamedorea Ernest-Augustus. The plant grows a single stem from the root. The nodes on its surface are less common. Dry films from fallen leaves remain in them. Also, air roots can form in the nodes, which allows the species to propagate vegetatively (stem cuttings). Whole oval leaves with a pointed edge are located in the upper part of the sprout. Sometimes their ends are bifurcated. The leaf plates are painted dark green. During flowering, red spherical flowers are formed, collected in large spreading inflorescences.

Hamedorea Ernest-Augustus

Hamedorea is one-color. The plant adapts well to room conditions and is considered the most unpretentious, and therefore is very popular. Shoots grow very slowly. Indoor height does not exceed 1 m. Several thin stems form a dense bush, the top of which is light green cirrus-dissected leaves with narrow segments. Even young plants quickly begin to bloom, dissolving panicle inflorescences of a light yellow hue.

Hamedorea Plain

Breeding methods

Hamedorea propagated by seeds and children. For seed propagation, fresh, well-ripened seeds should be used. But in this case, germination will be low. A small greenhouse with sand and peat soil is prepared for sowing. Before sowing for 5 days, the seeds are soaked in warm water with the addition of growth stimulants ("Palm", "Zircon"). The seeds are buried by 1 cm, then the container is covered with transparent material and placed in a room with a temperature of + 22 ... + 25 ° C. It is necessary to ventilate and spray the soil daily, maintaining high humidity. For better germination, lower heating is used. Seedlings should be expected in 30-40 days, although sometimes the process is delayed to 4 months. As the seedlings grow, they are transplanted into separate small pots. Sometimes they plant 2-3 plants together to form a thicker crown.

In the process of growth, lateral basal processes are formed near the main plant. With a spring transplant, they can be separated and dropped off separately. This procedure is quite easy and painless. It is important to ensure that the child has well-developed own roots, otherwise she is not yet ready for independent growth.

Planting and care at home

Caring for a room palm tree is quite simple. It does not require frequent manipulation. Chamedorea is transplanted as necessary, when the root system fills the entire pot and appears through the drainage holes. Since the plant develops slowly, a transplant is performed every 1-3 years. Large adult bushes in tubs only replace the upper part of the substrate.

In order not to damage sensitive roots, they try to preserve the old earthen lump. It is believed that in a tight container the plant develops better and blooms regularly, so a new pot should only be slightly larger than the previous one. Drainage holes are made in its bottom and a thick layer of shards or expanded clay is poured. For planting, soil is used that contains the following components:

  • peat;
  • turf soil;
  • deciduous humus;
  • perlite.

The earth is poured with boiling water before use, and then dried. Such a procedure is needed to disinfect the composition from pests and pathogens.

Lighting. Since under natural conditions chamedorea grows under the crown of tropical trees, it will best develop in partial shade or in diffused light. Direct sunlight, especially at noon in the summer, can cause the appearance of brown spots on the foliage (burns). The plant can develop normally without natural light, only by the light of lamps. Such daylight hours must be maintained for 10-12 hours.

Temperature. For the normal development of palm trees, a moderately warm air temperature (+ 20 ... + 27 ° C) is required. In winter, this figure is lowered to + 12 ... + 16 ° C, however, all changes should go smoothly, without jumps. In summer, you can take the plant to fresh air, but careful protection from drafts is necessary.

Air humidity. Chamedorrhea develops well with air humidity of 50% and above. In a drier atmosphere, plants are regularly sprayed and washed periodically under a warm shower. If the tips of the leaves continue to dry, place a tray with water or wet pebbles nearby.

Watering. In spring or summer, chamedorea is often watered, since the lush crown strongly evaporates moisture. In this case, the soil surface must have time to dry.

Fertilizer. From March to October, a solution of mineral fertilizer is applied to the soil for decorative and deciduous indoor plants. The rest of the year, feeding is not carried out.

Pruning. As it dries, you need to remove the lower leaves, but do not trim the top. Thus, branching will not succeed. A palm tree simply stops in development, and eventually dies.

Diseases and pests. Chamedorrhea is distinguished by good immunity and rarely suffers from diseases. With improper care, frequent flooding of the soil or too hard water for irrigation, pink rot, leaf spotting or chlorosis develops. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to observe agricultural technology and periodically ventilate the room. Damaged leaves are pruned and treated with fungicide.

Among the most annoying pests are scutes and spider mites. From them, plants are sprayed with an insecticide with repeated treatment after 7-10 days.
