Raspberry Gusar - frost-resistant repair grade


Cultivated raspberries have been cultivated in Russia since ancient times. The berry is appreciated not only for its taste, but also for its medicinal properties. However, the culture often freezes in winter, the number of fruits decreases in the heat, in adverse conditions of the disease lead to significant loss of yield, causing trouble and rapidly growing shoots. Cultivating the variety of Gusar remont raspberries will help to avoid most problems and get a useful sweet berry crop twice a season.

The history of raspberries Gusar

Repairing raspberry garden type known for more than 200 years. However, the second wave of fruiting was insignificant. Productive foreign repairing varieties in Siberia and the central regions did not have time to give up to 70% of their harvest before the onset of early frosts.

In the 70s of the 20th century, work on the creation of frost-resistant species began at the Kokinsky stronghold of VSTISP. Scientist Ivan Vasilievich Kazakov, who created a fundamentally new berry culture, is called the "father of Russian repairing varieties", "wizard". Having visited its experimental plantations, domestic and foreign experts described what they saw as a miracle. The result of thirty years of work of the breeder is obtaining fruitful, frost-resistant, practically not damaged by diseases and pests of repair varieties, the best of which, according to gardeners, is Gusar. I.V. Kazakov received it when polluting the American Kenby hybrid with species immune to viral diseases. No wonder the new variety, superior to the parental form, received such an unusual name - Hussar, which means persistent, bold, brave.

Grade description

The variety was included in the State Register in 1999 with approval for use in the Central, Middle Volga, Volga-Vyatka, North-West and North Caucasus regions. For remontant raspberries, unlike ordinary varieties, not only biennial, but also annual shoots are fruiting. During the season, you can get a crop twice - in summer and autumn.

A hussar is a raspberry of an early ripening period, so it manages to fully ripen in the sunny period and give the main crop to the cold weather. Gardeners cultivating this variety, admire it. In one place, the berry bush bears fruit well for 20 years. A pronounced wax coating on the shoots protects them from excessive evaporation of moisture and makes the plant drought tolerant. Possessing frost resistance, the Hussar steadily tolerates a decrease in temperature to -25 ° C.

Among the benefits of this raspberry is immunity to major diseases. There are practically no wormy berries on it, it is rarely affected by a weevil, gall midge. And due to the lack of abundant root shoots, the culture does not fill the garden space and directs all its forces to the formation of the crop.

Raspberry Gusar belongs to the repairing varieties and can bear fruit twice a season

Main characteristics

The hussar grows in the form of a high (up to 2.7 m in height) sprawling shrub. The stems are straight, powerful, covered with a wax coating, without pubescence. Brown biennial shoots. Small spikes of medium size, dark purple, are located in the lower part of the shoot. This feature makes it easier to care for plants. Dark green wrinkled leaves are large, slightly twisted, slightly pubescent. A sheet plate along the edge is serrated.

Raspberry Hussar forms a tall, sprawling bush with straight stems

Berries with an average weight of 3.2 g have the shape of a blunt cone. The flesh is bright ruby ​​in color, juicy, aromatic, sweet and sour, the taste rating is 4.2 points. The fruits contain: sugar 10.8%, acid 1.8%, vitamin C 27.2%. The average yield of 83.6 c / ha, from the bush you can collect up to 3-4 kg of berries.

Raspberry is a natural doctor, it has long been used in folk medicine for neurasthenia, atherosclerosis, and blood diseases. Berries are consumed fresh, dried, frozen, and vitamin preparations are prepared: juices, fruit drinks, preserves.

The disadvantages include the large spreading of the bush, which requires significant areas under the raspberry: between plants, leave a distance of at least 1 m, between rows - 1.5-2 m. In addition, branches with a height of more than 2 m must be tied to a support in order to maintain the crop.

Being a reliable and proven variety, Gusar is still inferior to modern repair species, which give higher yields and are distinguished by gigantic fruits (weighing more than 10 g).

Husar raspberry cone-shaped berries of bright ruby ​​color, juicy, sweet and sour taste

Video: raspberry varieties Gusar

Landing Features

Caring for the future harvest, you need to choose the right place for shrubs and acquire healthy planting material.

Seat selection

The most illuminated areas are diverted under the berry. Even slight shading delays the ripening of the fruit, negatively affects the quality of the crop. The berry crop should receive as much heat as possible, therefore it is planted on the south side of the garden, along fences, barns, protected from cold winds by planting fruit trees, hedges.

It is undemanding to soil conditions, but prefers loose fertile land. The previous cultures are very important for raspberries. You should not lay a berry in areas where tomatoes and potatoes used to grow. Culture grows well after cucumbers, legumes, zucchini. Raspberries get along well with an apple, cherry, red currant. And it is advisable to plant grapes and sea-buckthorn in another corner of the garden.

Remontant raspberry prefers to grow in well-lit areas: the more sun the plant receives, the sweeter the berries will be

High yields can be achieved by planting green manure (lupine, mustard) before planting a raspberry, which heals the soil and increases its fertility. They are plowed into the soil a month before planting.

Shrubs should not be planted in lowlands, which after flooding often flooded, as well as in areas with a low level of groundwater. Excess moisture is detrimental to the root system of raspberries, the risk of developing diseases increases, frost resistance decreases.

The culture grows well on sandy or light loamy soils with neutral acidity. The plant will also take root in clay areas, but in conditions of high humidity, the bush will grow intensively, and fruit ovaries will form weakly. Therefore, to improve the quality of clay soil, sand must be added (1 bucket per m2) Lime acidic soil (500 g lime per m2).

Usually raspberries are planted along the fence or near the outbuildings to protect it from strong gusts of wind.

On the site, raspberries can be planted in small groups of 3 plants 70 cm apart. You can grow the culture in a tape way, arranging rows after 1.5-2 m. Often, repair raspberries are used as an element of decor, planting 3 bushes in a triangular pattern. Varieties with a variety of fruit colors look especially elegant: red in the Hussar, yellow and orange in other varieties. Like an exotic bouquet, such a combination of lush green foliage with colorful berries looks in the garden.

Landing time

Culture is planted in spring and autumn. In the spring, it is necessary that during the week the positive temperature is maintained. However, in spring planting, fruiting is not so plentiful, because all the forces of the plant go to survival. The most suitable period for planting is autumn, 20 days before the frost: seedlings have time to take root before the cold, prepare for winter, and in the spring all efforts should be directed to shoot growth and crop formation.

Seedlings selection

Nurseries offer a large selection of raspberry seedlings. When choosing a plant, you should carefully consider it. The seedling should have a developed root system, without signs of rot, and the branches should be flexible, without spots. Planting material, acquired in late autumn, is dug in the garden until spring.

Recently, gardeners have preferred container seedlings - small plants with 5-8 leaves grown in pots. They can be planted throughout the garden season. In addition, such seedlings further develop a more powerful root system and strong shoots.

It is better to purchase seedlings in pots: they are easier to take root and develop a more powerful root system

Landing rules

20 days before planting, dig a site, remove weeds, per 1 m2 make 2 buckets of humus, 50 g of superphosphate, 30 g of potassium salt or 300 g of ash. Lime is added to strongly acidic soil (500 g per m2).

When raspberries are formed from separate bushes, they dig holes 60x45 cm at a distance of at least 1 m from each other. When growing in a linear way, trenches with a width of 50x45 cm are prepared with a distance between rows of 1.5-2 m, between bushes - 1 m.

In large areas, raspberries are grown in rows, landed in trenches

Step-by-step process:

  1. A few hours before planting, the roots of the seedlings are lowered into a solution with Kornevin, Heteroauxin - biostimulants that accelerate root formation and increase stress resistance.
  2. A mound of fertile soil is poured at the bottom of a hole or furrow.
  3. A seedling is lowered onto it, the root system is evenly distributed over it.

    The seedling is lowered into the pit, while the root neck should be at ground level

  4. They fill the plant with soil, holding it, so as not to deepen when tamping.
  5. Around the bush form a circular groove for irrigation.
  6. 5 liters of water are introduced into it.
  7. After absorbing moisture, the soil is mulched with a 10-centimeter layer of straw, hay. Mulch improves the structure of the soil, retains moisture in it, and contributes to a slower freezing.

    The soil around the seedling is covered with a layer of mulch

  8. Shoots are shortened to 40 cm.

In a temperate climate, for more intensive shoot growth and increased yield in early spring, raspberries are freed from snow and covered with a black film. This contributes to better warming of the soil, earlier start of vegetation (2 weeks) and increase productivity by 500 g from 1 m2.

Video: planting raspberries

Agricultural technology

Raspberry Gusar is unpretentious, care for it consists of watering, loosening the soil, fertilizing and removing weeds.

Watering and loosening

The culture is hygrophilous, watering in a dry summer is especially necessary. Moisten the raspberry every 7 days (10 liters per bush). However, stagnation of water during excessive watering has a depressing effect on plants.

Use different methods of watering raspberries. Imitation of rain using sprayers allows you to moisten not only the soil, but also the foliage and air. However, at the time of fruiting, this type of irrigation is not used to avoid rotting berries.

When sprinkling, the soil and foliage are well wetted, the air is moistened

Often use watering through grooves laid around the bushes or in the aisles. After absorbing moisture, the grooves must be closed. Drip irrigation is carried out using tapes with droppers, into which water is supplied under pressure. This type of irrigation allows you to maintain the necessary soil moisture, and also significantly reduces water consumption.

Drop watering reduces water consumption and provides uniform soil moisture

Before the onset of cold weather, pre-winter watering is mandatory (20 liters of water per bush). After each watering, the soil is loosened to remove the soil crust, which prevents air from reaching the roots. Loosening is carried out to a shallow depth (7 cm) so as not to damage the superficial root system. Then lay a layer of mulch from straw, humus.

Top dressing

Repair raspberries are more demanding on food than ordinary varieties. From the 2nd year after planting, the berry is surely fed. In the spring, nitrogen fertilizers are applied (30 g of urea per m2), stimulating the intensive growth of shoots. In mid-summer, shrubs are fertilized with nitrophos (60 g per 10 l), at the end of the season with superphosphate (50 g) and potassium salt (40 g per m2) You can use liquid fertilizers Kemira, Nutrisol, Yaromila-agro together with water during irrigation through a drip irrigation system.

Raspberry Gusar responds well to top dressing with complex mineral fertilizers

Good organic nutrition for raspberries - mullein, bird droppings, diluted in water 1:10 and 1:20 (5 l of solution per m2). In autumn, the soil under the bushes is mulched with humus or compost - this mulch reliably warms the roots in the winter cold, and by spring, overheating, turns into a useful fertilizer.

They do not recommend using fresh manure: it contributes to the development of pathogenic microflora, and can cause a burn of the root system.

The source of calcium, potassium, magnesium and other elements necessary for the growth and development of plants is ash (500 g per m2) But even organic fertilizers can harm the plant if applied in excessive quantities.

Root dressing should be combined with foliar. Spraying foliage with Uniflor-micro liquid fertilizers (1 tbsp. L per 10 l), Crystal (30 g per 10 l) not only saturate raspberries with nutrients, but also save them from pests.

On well-fertilized soil, raspberries Gusar gives excellent yields

Experienced gardeners to feed raspberries use infusions of herbs. Dandelion, nettle are placed in a 50-liter barrel, add 100 g of ash, a handful of earth, 100 g of yeast, 1 kg of chicken droppings, pour water and leave for fermentation for 7 days. Then the infusion is diluted with water (1:10) and poured under a bush of 0.5 l.


Repairing raspberry pruning has its own characteristics. If the berry is grown to produce one full late summer crop, at the end of October all the shoots are cut. Such pruning simplifies berry care, does not require shelter for the winter. Together with the stems, pests and diseases wintering on the aerial parts of plants are destroyed.

If you plan to get 2 harvests per season, only the two-year-old stalks are removed, the annuals are shortened by 15 cm. In the spring, they must inspect the bush, remove frozen and dry stems.

The pruning of remontant raspberries when growing it as an annual and perennial crop differs: with a multi-year cycle, only fry shoots are removed, with a single-year, all

In summer, excess shoots are completely cut off, leaving 3-6 branches. With this pruning, optimal illumination is created, the bush is well ventilated, receives the necessary nutrition.

Video: how to trim repair raspberries

Trellis cultivation

Branches laden with fruits sometimes lie down, with strong gusts of wind breaking out of fragile shoots can occur. Therefore, it is better to grow raspberries on a trellis, which also greatly simplifies maintenance: it is easy to approach the bushes and harvest, they are evenly warmed up in the sun and well ventilated. Garter shoots to the trellis is carried out at a height of 50 cm, 1.2 m and 2 m.

When grown on a trellis, the stems are tied at a height of 0.5, 1.2 and 2 m

You can use the fan method of garter to the support. Pegs are installed on both sides of the bush, to which part of the stems of one plant and part of the branches of the neighboring one are tied at different heights.

You can form bushes in the form of a fan by linking to the pegs at different heights part of the stems of one plant and part of the branches of the neighboring

Winter preparations

Growing raspberries as an annual crop and mowing the stems allows you to safely survive the winter cold. It is only necessary to cover the roots with a layer of mulch. However, gardeners usually prefer to harvest twice a season. In this case, only two-year-old shoots are removed in the fall, annuals are sheltered.

Hussar is a frost-resistant variety that tolerates winter without warming under a snow cover of at least 40 cm thick. However, in snowless winters and in adverse conditions, plants can freeze.After pre-winter irrigation and mulching with humus, the stems bent by an arc are attached to a wire stretched along a row, covered with non-woven material. To avoid sprouting shoots, cover them no earlier than a week before frosts.

Before the onset of cold weather, raspberry bushes are bent and covered with agrofibre


Repair raspberries are propagated in several ways. The seed method is rarely used, it is quite laborious, and varietal characters are lost.

The culture propagates well with green cuttings. In early summer, young shoots with a height of 5 cm are cut underground and planted in a greenhouse at an angle of 45 degrees. Regularly moisturize, ventilate. Rooting occurs after 15 days. Green plants need to be fed with complex fertilizer and planted a week later in the garden according to the 10x30 scheme for growing. In the fall they are transplanted to a prepared place.

It is easy to propagate raspberries with the help of green cuttings, which take root 15 days after cutting

Raspberries are rapidly propagated by root offspring. In the summer, 15-centimeter shoots are dug out along with the roots and planted in the designated area. It is easy to propagate raspberries by dividing the bush. The bush is divided into parts with root and shoots. Each part with branches shortened to 45 cm is planted separately.

Raspberries are quickly propagated by root offspring

Raspberries are propagated using root cuttings. At the end of the season, the roots are cut into pieces of 10 cm and planted on the site, having previously applied fertilizers. Water, mulch the soil and cover it with coniferous paws for the winter. In early spring, having released the beds from the spruce branches, they stretch a film over them. When green offspring appear, the film is removed. In the fall, seedlings are transplanted.

Diseases and Pests

Husar's repairing variety is rarely ill. However, in adverse conditions, culture still needs to be protected.

Table: Disease, Prevention and Treatment

Diseases Symptoms Prevention Treatment
AnthracnoseBrown spots appear on the foliage and stems, the stems rot and break. The development of the disease contributes to rainy weather.After leaf fall, burn leaves, regulate watering.Sprinkle with Nitrofen (300 g per 10 l) before buds are pulled out.
SeptoriaThe disease is strongly manifested in high humidity. Light spots with a brown border are formed on the foliage, the leaves dry out.Do not plant bushes too close together, do not flood.
  1. In the green cone phase, treat with 3% Bordeaux mixture.
  2. After flowering and picking berries, spray with 1% Bordeaux mixture.
Purple spottingThe stems are covered with dark spots. Affected shoots dry out. The spread of mushroom spores is facilitated by thickened planting and high humidity.Get rid of overgrowth, observe moderate watering.Before buds bloom, treat with Nitrofen (200 g per 10 l), 1% DNOC.

Photo Gallery: Raspberry Disease

Table: Pests, Prevention and Control

Pests Manifestations Prevention Control measures
AphidAphids populate the leaves and stems of raspberries, eating their juice. Young shoots dry up and die.
  1. The aphids are carried by ants, therefore, first of all, these pests should be driven out with the help of Thunder, the Anteater.
  2. Spray onion husk infusion (20 g per 10 l).
  1. Branches, aphids, trimmed.
  2. Spray the bush until the buds open with Nitrofen (300 ml per 10 l).
  3. Prior to bud formation, treat with Kilzar (50 ml per 10 l).
Raspberry beetleThe beetle feasts on foliage, buds, the larvae feed on the pulp of ripe fruits. The pest can destroy up to 50% of the crop.
  1. Loosen the soil.
  2. Thin out raspberries for air circulation.
  1. In spring, treat with 2% Bordeaux mixture.
  2. In the phase of the bud, spray with Kinmix (2.5 ml per 10 l).
  3. After flowering, treat with Spark (1 tab. Per 10 l).
Raspberry tickThe parasite feeds on the sap of the plants, the leaves are deformed, acquire a pale green color, the bushes grow poorly.Observe the watering regime.Before opening the buds, treat with Nitrofen (200 g per 10 l).

Photo Gallery: Raspberry Pests

In the fight against parasites, useful insects come to the aid of gardeners: a seven-spotted ladybug, a rider, a mantis, a lacewing, dragonflies. To attract them to the site will help flowering plants: dill, anise, coriander.

Grade Reviews

Our raspberry tree all consists of a Hussar. Just off the edge are a few Runaway bushes. The hussar is very satisfied. I believe that this is almost the best domestic raspberry variety by the sum of positive economically valuable properties. Large, tasty, beautiful berry. The variety is resistant to a complex of diseases and pests, the variety is spiky, giving little growth. Harvest, responsive to watering and fertilizer, giving the berry a long period. Winter hardy. The only thing - it’s better to have a trellis in his landing. And how good he is at freezing! If thawed carefully, the berries remain completely whole and dry. At least for the exhibition! We bake pies with raspberries, and cook dumplings, and just - sprinkled with sugar and baked milk or just like that for dessert. Just now, I knew how to bowl with a honey and a spoonful of Old Tallinn.



I really like the Hussar, the bushes are tall, powerful, and the berries are large.

Madame Lemoine


The Hussar variety is excellent. This summer I was tortured to harvest. Yellow-fruited raspberries also had a large crop. The variety, in my opinion, the Golden Giant, I do not remember exactly. In agricultural technology, raspberries are very fond of manure. In the spring, I mulch my raspberry tree with half-ripened manure about 20 cm thick. I like the plants.



I have a well-known variety of Kazakova Gusar growing - in the first year of fruiting the berries were excellent, this year it looked dull due to insufficient care. A clear "anti-example" of what happens to a productive variety in poor Shocked conditions. In the spring I want to transplant Husar to where it will be possible to sprinkle and mulch.



The hussar liked the taste and size of berries, planting the first year, it is still difficult to judge by yield, the description says "does not require garters", but, apparently, they are cunning, now the seedlings are 1.60 m, they began to bend even without berries. Next year we will make trellises.



I bend the raspberry hussar just in case and prune it before that. He is very tall. It does not get sick, does not freeze, and the worms do not touch it. The berries are very large. And about the grass, I have long heard that raspberries love every garbage, including cut grass. Apparently, it turns out something like a powerful mulching that retains moisture.



This raspberry variety is very unpretentious. I would even say that it’s unpretentious at all. With very poor care, we were able to get a fairly large crop. Raspberry "Hussar" easily tolerates the lack of moisture. Ours lives almost in reinforced concrete from dried loamy soil. Loosened - not loosened, it is worth pouring water and allowing to dry - as everything is stiff. Watered very rarely. I recommend it for summer residents who rarely work in their garden (do not run with a hose or watering can every morning). In short, Spartan conditions are on her shoulder.



The repairing variety Gusar attracts gardeners with the opportunity to enjoy fresh raspberries in summer and autumn, when other berries are no longer in the garden. The culture does not require special care, winter-hardy and resistant to pests. In addition, it can be grown not only to obtain sweet fruits, but also for landscaping. The amazing property of repairing raspberries to ripen on a cut branch placed in the water allows it to be used as an original component of a bouquet for decorating houses, banquet halls, garden exhibitions.
