Variety Raspberry Phenomenon - phenomenally tasty berries in your garden


When choosing a raspberry variety for their infield, each gardener focuses on his own preferences: one needs an unpretentious plant, the other a high-yielding plant, the third a frost-resistant one. Raspberry Phenomenon combines not only all these qualities, but also a number of other advantages and is suitable for growing in almost any climatic conditions.

History of Phenomenon cultivation

Raspberry Phenomenon appeared in 1991 due to the work of breeders of the Krasnokutsk experimental station (Ukraine), crossing varieties Stolichnaya and Odarka. The author of the variety is G.K. Potter.

Due to its high resistance to adverse growing conditions, the phenomenon has gained popularity among gardeners not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia and Belarus. This variety has not yet been registered in the State Register of Breeding Achievements.

Raspberry variety Phenomenon - video

Description of raspberry variety Phenomenon

Variety Phenomenon is mid-season. The semi-spreading bushes reach a height of 2.5-2.7 m. The stems are covered with medium-sized thorns. Raspberries blooms in late April.

Raspberry Flowering Phenomenon - video

Each plant forms a sufficient number of substitute shoots and root shoots. A distinctive feature of the variety is the ability of the shoots to change color: the young shoots of the current year are colored green with a purple tint, the two-year-old shoots are light brown, turning yellowish by autumn.

During fruiting, large raspberry bushes literally break from the harvest

Many lovers take the Phenomenon for a repairing variety, as this raspberry sprouts on the stumps remaining after pruning, and also gives a second crop in the fall. True, the second crop of the phenomenon ripens only at the ends of the shoots and is very insignificant in size.

The berries are formed large (average weight 4.5-5 g, up to a maximum of 8-9 g), conical shape (round in the first year). Ripening begins in the second half of June. The fruit consists of large drupes, not too firmly adhered to each other.

The bright red conical berries are impressive in size.

The matte skin is bright red, the flesh is juicy, but rather dense, the taste is sweet with a slight acidity, the aroma is strong and pleasant. The sugar content is 6.7%, acids - 2%, vitamin C - 44.7%.

Berries come off dry from the grower.

Variety characteristic Phenomenon

You can characterize raspberries. The phenomenon can be studied by studying its advantages and disadvantages.

Grade advantages:

  • high productivity (6-8 kg from each bush);
  • friendly ripening and lack of crumbling berries;
  • high winter hardiness - bushes do not need shelter even in very cold winters;
  • unpretentiousness in growing conditions and high viability;
  • good drought tolerance, while ensuring sufficient watering, plants easily tolerate intense heat, berries do not bake in the sun;
  • resistance to viral and fungal diseases, not affected by gall midges;
  • good taste and transportability of fruits.

Deficiencies of raspberries The phenomenon is considered to be the ordinary taste of berries and strong fluctuations in taste depending on the content of salts and humus in the soil.

In general, the variety can not be called particularly "phenomenal", with the exception of amazing vitality.

Rules of landing and care

The key to good harvests is proper planting.

Where and how to plant raspberries

Best of all, raspberries grow and bear fruit with sufficient sunlight, so you need to plant it on the south or southeast side of the site. Ground water should be located no closer than 1.5 m from the surface of the earth - for all its moisture-loving nature, raspberries do not tolerate water stagnation.

Raspberries are planted. Phenomenon in spring and autumn. Spring is considered a more favorable season for planting, as seedlings will have more time to root and develop before the onset of winter.

The best type of soil for raspberries is loamy soils that can pass air and water well. The soil reaction is desirable neutral or slightly acidic (pH 5.8-6.7). A large amount of nutrients is required.

Clay soil contains little oxygen and raspberry roots can rot. In this case, it is better to prepare high beds from bulk soil for plants. Raspberries need to be planted on artificial mounds with close standing groundwater and in areas with frequent and heavy rainfall. In contrast, in areas with very dry soil, planting should be done in furrows.

If the soil on the site is not fertile enough, it is necessary to properly prepare it. Pre-planting preparation can be carried out both in spring and autumn, and includes digging the soil, removing weeds, leveling the surface of the soil and introducing nutrients. For each square meter of future raspberry, it is necessary to make 7-8 kg of compost with the addition of 0.1 kg of superphosphate and 50 g of potassium salts. Fertilizers are embedded in the soil to the depth of the bayonet of a shovel.

In one place, raspberries can be kept for 8-10 years. During this period, it takes a large amount of nutrients from the soil (5 times more than gooseberries). Therefore, without preliminary enrichment with fertilizers, the soil quickly depletes, even if fertilizing is applied.

Material for planting can be bought (at the same time, pay attention to the development of the root system, the absence of signs of rot or disease on the roots and trunk) or get it yourself. The phenomenon gives a fairly large number of shoots, so harvesting seedlings is not difficult. It is necessary to choose the most powerful offspring, carefully dig them out and separate them from the mother bush together with a bunch of roots and a lump of earth. After transplanting such an offspring, you need to carefully look after it and regularly water it, until rooting occurs.

You can use another method - reproduction by layering. To do this, one of the stalks of raspberries is bent to the ground, made several cuts on it, laid in a shallow (5-6 cm) groove and covered with earth. Provided that the soil is well moistened, such a dig will soon take root.

Propagation of raspberries by layering - video

For planting raspberries, pits of 0.4 x 0.4 m or trenches of a similar width and depth are prepared. They introduce a mixture of soil and fertilizers at the rate of 4-5 kg ​​of humus, 150-200 g of superphosphate and 100 g of ash per plant. The nutrient layer is sprinkled with clean soil.

Before planting, the raspberry seedling is cut to a height of 30-35 cm, it is desirable to remove the leaves.

The distance between neighboring plants must be maintained within 60-80 cm, between rows - 1.5 - 2 m.

Seedlings are set in prepared recesses, after having straightened the roots, and are covered with soil. Having compacted the soil around the stem, each bush is watered with 10 liters of water. The soil must be mulched with a layer of peat or humus.

The author repeatedly planted raspberries with success in a small trench with a depth of 1.5 bayonet spades and a width of 1 bayonet. A layer of highly moistened sawdust 7-8 cm thick is laid at the bottom of the trench. The sides of the trench are laid with slate or sheet iron - this prevents raspberries from spreading out of the raspberry. Under each bush, you can pour half a bucket of compost, and then water it properly. With this method of planting, raspberries are well received and actively growing.

Raspberry planting on video

How to care for raspberries

Raspberry Phenomenon is unpretentious and does not require special care. The bushes are capable of bearing a large fruit load, but the stems are bent and need to be tied up. The easiest option is to install trellises with a total height of up to 2 m.

The easiest way to make raspberries is a single trellis

The bushes will give more berries, if you do not let them reach up, but force them to branch. To do this, when the plants reach a height of 1.1-1.2 m, pinch the tops. You can not carry out summer pruning of shoots - this reduces yield.

In warm climates, the Raspberry Phenomenon sometimes shows signs of remontance, forming in autumn a second crop (small volume) at the tops of young shoots. If the berries are allowed to ripen, then next year these shoots will no longer bear fruit. Therefore, it is not recommended to allow autumn fruiting - the flowers need to be cut off.

Raspberry growing Phenomenon - video

Watering and feeding

Raspberry The phenomenon is resistant to drought, but watering should not be neglected for good plant development. The first watering is carried out before flowering (last decade of April), if there is little rainfall during this period. Then an increased need for moisture occurs during the formation of the ovaries and after harvesting. Water at the rate of 10-20 liters of water per 1 plant is fed into irrigation grooves or holes dug near the bush (at a distance of 0.4-0.5 m from the base). If the soil in the raspberry is heavily flooded, root rot will begin. The optimal is drip irrigation.

From the last decade of August, watering is usually stopped, but during hot and dry autumn, water must be supplied until the end of October.

Before flowering and after harvesting raspberries can be watered by sprinkling

From fertilizer The phenomenon responds best to nitrogen compounds. Fertilizing is carried out three times per season - in early spring (after thawing the soil), at the beginning of flowering and at the end of berry harvesting. To make nutrients around the bush, dig a groove 15-20 cm deep, pour carbamide or ammonium nitrate into it (10 g / m2) To dissolve fertilizers, you need to water plants abundantly (10-20 liters of water), and then close the groove and mulch the surface with a layer of straw.

Watering and feeding raspberries on a video

In autumn, raspberries are prepared for winter. Given the high winter hardiness of the Phenomenon, it is not necessary to cover it. All that is needed is to cut off the fruiting shoots flush with the ground.

Protection of the Phenomenon from Diseases and Pests

In general, the Phenomenon variety has good resistance to diseases and pests. Nevertheless, it is possible to damage the bushes with dwarf bushiness, bacterial cancer, gray rot.

Dwarf bushiness is excited by the virus and manifests itself in the shredding of plants, the appearance of many thin and weak root offspring with small leaves, and a decrease in yield. It is impossible to cure affected bushes - they must be destroyed as soon as possible. The only preventative measure is the acquisition of healthy, well-tested planting stock.

With bacterial cancer, plant growth slows down, the berries lose their taste, "tumors" appear on the roots. To prevent the disease, it is necessary to transplant raspberries to a new place more often (every 3-4 years), before planting, pickle the roots with 1% solution of copper sulfate. If diseased plants are found, they must be dug up and burned, and the soil treated with 2% bleach.

Regular pruning, removal of diseased twigs and treatment with Tsineb (4 g / l) or colloidal sulfur (10 g / l) will help to prevent gray rot (manifested as a dirty gray coating on the leaves).

Raspberry Diseases in the photo

Of the pests, raspberries can be affected by raspberry beetle, raspberry weevil, spider mite. You can protect your crop from them with the help of insecticides. Decis (1 g per bucket of water) and Confidor (2 g per bucket of water) are used against the raspberry beetle; Karbofos (3.5 g / l) or Inta-Vira (2.5 tablets per bucket of water) are used against raspberry weevil. and against the spider mite - Actellik (1 ml / l) and garlic infusion (0.15-0.2 kg of crushed garlic for 5 days, insist in 1 liter of water, then use a teaspoon of the concentrate per 1 liter of water).

Raspberry pests on video

Harvesting and Harvesting

Raspberry Phenomenon begins to bear fruit in late June - early July. A plentiful harvest (with proper agricultural technology - up to 8 kg from a bush) ripens together, they are harvested in 5-6 stages.

The height of raspberry fruiting Phenomenon - video

Tasty and juicy berries have a universal purpose - they are suitable for fresh consumption, making juice, wine, jam, jam.

Gardeners reviews

My personal opinion about the variety Phenomenon: This variety is the largest in my area. It is pleasant to dig such a large berry, although it does not shine with a super-taste. I'm not going to part with him

Limoner, Sumy region


I also have this variety. Yes, it is large-fruited and beautiful, but the smell reminds me of Soviet strawberry soap. Brrr. Another shortcoming is spikes (prickly), and on my fertile soil it grows very much, more than 1m in diameter.

VATRA, Krivoy Rog


I also have this variety and I am happy with it, because it always winters incomparably, as does the Patricia variety. Always in the spring with a berry.

Julichka, Cherkasy region


Variety is a miracle! Many new varieties will be given a head start, the only thing that is inconvenient is the bush to go to bed with the crop, it needs support, and collecting is a pleasure ....

ligol, Makeevka


The phenomenon is a chic variety of 5+, the berries are large, transportable, it gives a lot of growth.



Raspberry The phenomenon may not be distinguished by its exquisite taste, but due to its reliability, high yield and unpretentiousness, it is well suited for any garden. Frost resistance makes this variety suitable for cultivation in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.


Watch the video: Bob Scowcroft: "Tales from 25 Years in the Organic Movement". Authors at Google (October 2024).