The most fruitful varieties of garden blueberries grown in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine


There are many legends about blueberries: both about its growth in swamps, and about bears grazing in the neighborhood, and about the content of alcoholic substances in berries. But all this is nothing more than myths invented, most likely, by some people in order to discourage others - competitors picking fragrant berries on a common forest plot.

Blueberry garden - the result of the latest breeding work

The first to produce a variety of blueberries for growing in gardens was North American breeders. Berry, having become publicly available and having changed the place of registration from the northern marshes to cultivated lands, began a procession across the continents.

Many new items from the US-Canadian selection have taken root in Russian summer cottages. These are mainly tall varieties with a crown of up to 2 m. The shrub remained as frost-resistant, long-lived and inaccessible to pests as in the natural growing conditions, but at the same time increased its yield, and berry picking became possible from the end of July to September.

Tall blueberries of the Canadian-American selection took root in the suburban areas of the Russians

By ripening time, blueberries are divided into:

  • early varieties: harvesting begins in the second decade of July;
  • medium-late varieties: the crop ripens in the third decade of July - the first decade of August;
  • late varieties: the growing season lasts until half of September, and the crop is ready for harvest from the second half of August.

Varieties of early, medium late and late ripening

Gardeners should remember that shrubs with late ripening are not suitable for regions with short summers and long winters. So, the climate of the north of Russia, some regions of Siberia and the Far East, where night frosts on the soil can be observed already in August, will not give the blueberry all the conditions necessary for development. Harvest, if it has time to ripen, then only in small quantities.

Table: Early ripening blueberry varieties

RiverTall, erect.Sweet, 19 mm in diameter.Up to 9 kg per bush.
ChippewaShort bush, up to 120 cm. The shape is spherical.Sweet, 18-20 mm in diameter.7-9 kg from the bush.
CollinsThe height of the bush is up to 180 cm. Non-spreading.Fruits of medium size. They are not stored for a long time.Up to 3 kg per bush.
SunriseSpreading bush. Height 120-180 cm.Large fruits: 17-20 mm in diameter. Very tasty.3-4 kg from the bush.

Photo Gallery: Early Blueberry Varieties

Table: Blueberry varieties of medium-late ripening

BluegoldThe height of the bush is up to 120 cm. It has many shoots.The berries are sweet-sour, up to 18 mm in diameter.5 to 7 kg per bush.
ToroHigh non-spreading bush.Fruit with sourness, size up to 14 mm in diameter.Up to 9 kg per bush.
HerbertThe height of the bush exceeds 2 m.Fruits are sweet, large, 20-22 mm in diameter. Do not crack.Up to 9 kg per bush.
BlujejPowerful tall bush.The berries are large, up to 22 mm in diameter.4-6 kg per bush.
ElizabethThe bush is tall and sprawling. It can grow without support up to 2 m.The fruits are large. The taste is sugar honey.Up to 6 kg per bush. Ripening is not simultaneous.

Variety Elizabeth belongs to late ripening. It is able to grow to a half meter height. The berry begins to ripen in early August. Fruiting is good and extended over several weeks. While some have already ripened, other berries ripen nearby. The berries in this variety are very large, sweet and fragrant. In my opinion, this is one of the best varieties. I definitely advise you to land, if there is where.



Photo Gallery: Mid-Late Blueberry Varieties

Table: late ripening blueberry varieties

DarrowThe height of the bush is not more than 150 cm. Spreading and highly branched.Berries up to 18 mm in diameter. Sweet5 to 7 kg.
JerseyTall bush up to 2 m.The size of the berries is average, 16 mm in diameter. They have a pleasant aftertaste.From 4 to 6 kg.
IvanhoeMedium-sized bush, branches stretch up.The size of the fetus is below average. The taste is dessert.5 to 7 kg.
ElliotTall bush with vertically growing branches.The berries are large, dense, sweet. Fruiting lasts for three weeks.Up to 6 kg per bush.
BonusSpreading bush, height up to 150 cm.The fruits are large, sweet. Long stored.Up to 5 kg per bush.
ChandlerThe bush grows to 170 cm. Powerful and sprawling.The berries are large, can reach 25-30 mm in diameter.Up to 5 kg per bush. Harvesting fruits is not simultaneous.
DixieThe bush is powerful, sprawling. Height is up to 2 m.Berries in diameter up to 22 mm. Prone to shedding.From 4 to 7 kg.

Photo Gallery: Late Blueberry Varieties

The most productive varieties for the Moscow region, the Volga region, the non-chernozem zone of Russia, the Urals

Speaking about the yield of blueberries, it must be borne in mind that 4 kg of berries from one bush is a common indicator for this crop. But there are record-breaking varieties that simply bring huge crops by the standards of this medium-sized berry. For example, 8-10 kg per bush.


The Patriot variety is the result of the breeding work of the New Jersey State Agricultural Station. The height of the bush can exceed the 2-meter mark. The plant withstands severe frosts to -300C, but with spring frosts it can die if measures are not taken in time. Prefers light glades and moderate moisture. An excellent resistance of the bush to late blight and stem cancer is noted.

More information about the variety in our article - Tall blueberries Patriot: features of the variety and growing rules.

The fruit harvest period is at the end of July. Dark blue ripe berries have an average diameter of 17-18 mm, a sweet taste. Fruiting is regular.

Variety Patriot is very winter-hardy, but does not tolerate spring frosts


The bush is tall, but not sprawling. Upright branches grow up to 2 m. The plant is resistant to pests and tolerates frosts well up to -280C, but reacts poorly to stagnation of water in the soil.

Spartan is a medium-ripening variety. Fruiting occurs in late July. Slightly flattened berries are collected in loose brushes, have a turquoise color, large size (reach 16-18 mm in diameter). Taste with a slight acidity and pleasant aroma.

My blueberry is 5 years old. Varieties: Blucrop, Spartan, Patriot, Airlibl. This year Northland also planted. The most fruitful is the Patriot. He planted it in pits, in peat with sand and pine moss. Overlaid the walls of the pit with polyethylene. I water with electrolyte: two tablespoons of electrolyte per 10 liters of water. I make fertilizer for conifers. The berry is large, tasty. Productivity? Of course, less than blackcurrant, but still a lot. The fruiting period is extended - a month and a half, if not more. This year I’ll squeeze it to the ground for the winter and cover it with covering material.



Spartan begins to bear fruit in late July


Nelson is another crop of American selection. Late-ripening shrubs give their crops only at the end of August, therefore they are completely unsuitable for regions with short summers and early autumn frosts. Bush height 1.5 m.

The fruits have good taste, declared as "wine-sweet." Fragrant large berries in the shape of a flattened ball with a diameter of 20 mm hide a jelly-like green pulp under the delicate skin.

Nelson is not suitable for regions with short summers and early autumn frosts


A hybrid variety of tall blueberries that came to eastern Europe from the American continent. Frost-resistant and resistant to late blight, the bush is able to form many shoots, so without high-quality pruning, fruiting will be reduced to small berries.

The dense crown of the bush is also valued as a hedge decoration.

Harvest ripens in the second decade of August. Fruits are characterized by medium-sized size (up to 17 mm in diameter) and flattened shape. The taste is sweet. They are not stored for a long time on the bush for a long time: they can crack from rains and sun.


The variety was bred in New Jersey in 1953. It is considered the reference for the temperate climatic zone. It grows up to 2 m in height, but the sprawl is small, as the branches grow up. Shrubs are not afraid of frosts to -350 C, neither cold spring, nor dry summer, nor pests. But seasonal pruning is required.

It is characterized by high annual productivity, for which both summer residents and commercial agricultural enterprises love it. Ripening of fruits is heterogeneous, lasting more than a month: from mid-July to the end of August. The diameter of ripe berries, covered with a pale blue coating, 20 mm. The shape is slightly flattened. The taste is exquisitely sweet. Even after freezing, the berries do not lose their rich aroma, sweetness and color. Suitable for transportation.

I’ll say about the variety Blucrop. He, of course, is a persistent variety. No wonder it is considered industrial, the most reliable, but until I started to acidify it - 100 grams of 9% vinegar in a bucket of water - about once a month, he did not even want to grow, not to bear fruit. He was planted according to the instructions - with peat, forest bedding under spruce, sand. But then they did not find colloidal sulfur. So it turned out - they were under-acidified. For a couple of years, the plants were very weak, at least they survived well. Now we are very satisfied with the harvest! This is the only berry that is eaten completely and with a bang. We have 4 bushes of this blueberry.



Neither frost, nor cold spring, nor dry summer, nor pests are afraid of the shrub Blucrop

Blueberry varieties for Ukraine, Belarus and the southern regions of Russia

Although blueberries are traditionally considered the northern berry, it can successfully grow and ripen in regions with a warm climate. For regions with a long growing season (Ukraine, Belarus, Transcaucasia, the Lower Volga region), acclimatized varieties with both early and medium and late ripening are suitable. If you plan correctly on the site of planting blueberries, then in these regions you can enjoy it from the beginning of July to the end of September.


Very popular tall variety for breeding in country plantations. The plant is winter-hardy, easily tolerates return frosts, practically does not get sick, begins to bear fruit early, gives a plentiful harvest. There are so many berries on the bushes that the branches bend under their weight. It is important to provide support in time and collect the fruits, otherwise creases on the branches are possible. The fruits have a diameter of 18 to 20 mm, a pleasant astringency is felt in the taste. The average yield is up to 8 kg per bush.

Variety Duke easily tolerates freezing frost and is not susceptible to disease


The variety is characterized by early maturity. It is considered ideal for commercial breeding on small plantations, because the crop can be harvested twice a season, moreover, in a mechanized way. The berries are large, 20-22 mm in diameter. Professionals-tasters called the taste of berries "wine-fruit."

Chauntecleer - an early variety, great for plantations


A variety of American selection. Medium-sized shrub. Ripening occurs in two stages: in the first half of July and early August. But the second harvest is characterized by smaller fruits. Productivity ranges from 4 to 7 kg per plant. Berries are 16-18 mm in diameter and slightly sour in taste. They have the property of remaining on the branches after maturing for a week. Transportation is poorly tolerated.

Airlibl harvests twice a season

Blue Brigitte

The bush of this variety grows up and in breadth, gives abundant shoots and is prone to thickening. The plant is sensitive to frost below -250C. Fruiting occurs in mid-August. The ripening of the berries is uniform, the yield is high. Fruits up to 15 mm in diameter taste piquant sourness, are not afraid of transportation and long-term storage.

Blue Brigitte bush grows in breadth and up


The variety was created in Poland, but it took root perfectly in Belarus, Ukraine and some regions of Russia. It grows rapidly and bypasses the mark of 2 m. Has ascending branches. The berries are quite large, rounded in shape, characterized by a spicy taste and aroma. Sufficiently productive variety. Fruiting begins in the first decade of August.

Boniface - a tall variety of Polish selection

Hannah Chois

Tall bush with branches densely growing up. Frost-resistant, even to return frosts. Easily withstands temperatures in the spring at -70C. Harvest ripens from mid-August. Berries in the diameter of 15-17 mm. Fruits are sweet, can be stored on branches and containers for a long time.

Hannah Chois fruits can be stored on branches and containers for a long time

The popular varieties of Ukraine, Belarus, southern Russia include Nui, River, Toro, Spartan, Bluegold, Coville, Bluray.

Among the new products grown in Ukraine and Belarus, there are Pink Lemonade and Pink Champagne varieties. They are unusual in that they give pink berries. The combined taste of sugar honey and lemon sourness put these cultures in the category of exclusive. However, special conditions for them do not need to be created. Plants tolerate moderate frosts, are resistant to disease and are rich in crops.

Blueberry Pink Lemonade has unusual pink fruits for culture

Blueberry varieties for Siberia and the Far East

The cool climate of Siberia and the Far East is considered one of the best for growing blueberries. Almost all tall varieties of American selection described above are suitable for these areas. But not only them.

High blueberry, included in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2017

Some varieties of American selection in the State Register of the Russian Federation were registered only in 2017. Accordingly, they do not yet have reviews from practitioners.

  • Aurora. Blueberries have a late ripening height of 120-150 cm. It has high resistance to diseases and pests. Berries of medium size, purple-blue. Very sweet to taste, sugar content 15.4%;
  • Huron. The bush is not very spreading. Berries of medium size from 15 to 19 mm in diameter, have a refreshing aroma, slightly sour taste. Perfectly kept. Productivity is good, up to 4-5 kg ​​per bush;
  • Draper The hybrid variety is designed for cultivation on commercial plantations. The bush is relatively compact, therefore, on an area of ​​2 m2 three plants can fit. Harvest is ready for harvest in July, matures amicably. From one bush collect up to 9 kg of fruit;
  • Liberty Blueberries for industrial production and mechanized harvesting. But on the personal compound, the variety proved to be on the good side, showing high performance in the form of a friendly harvest of 7-9 kg from the bush. Refers to medium-late varieties.

Photo gallery: the latest varieties of blueberries of American origin

Domestic selection swamp blueberries

The next group of blueberries is the development of the Novosibirsk experimental station, made in the last decade of the 20th century.

Marsh varieties are low-growing, slightly spreading bushes growing on a peat or peat-sandy cushion.Productivity on bushes up to 100 cm high is considered high if it is harvested up to 2-2.5 kg from one plant.

The blue berry, recommended for cultivation throughout Russia, has revealed itself especially vividly in the zone of the Siberian and Far Eastern climates. This group includes the following representatives:

  • Blue placer: sugar 5.6%, tasting score 4, yield up to 2 kg;
  • Marvelous: sugar 6%, tasting score 4, yield up to 2 kg;
  • Graceful: sugar 7.2%, tasting score 4, yield 0.8 kg;
  • Iksinskaya: sugar 8.6%, tasting score 5, yield 0.9 kg;
  • Nectar: ​​sugar 9.8%, tasting score 5, yield 0.9 kg;
  • Taiga beauty: sugar 5%, tasting score 4, yield 2.1 kg;
  • Shegarskaya: sugar 5%, tasting score 4.2, yield 1.5 kg;
  • Yurkovskaya: sugar 7%, tasting score 4.5, yield 1.3 kg.

Photo Gallery: Domestic selection swampy blueberries

Winter-hardy varieties adapted to the harshest growing conditions in the Far North

Blueberries growing in the north are not at all a miracle of the world, but a common natural phenomenon. But still, breeders single out varieties familiar to frost below -40 into a separate group0C, heavy snows, severe winds, marshy soils and mosses of forest-tundra. The growth of such shrubs does not exceed 70 cm, and the taste of ripening berries has a unique acidity.

The most winter-hardy varieties include:

  • Northland The bush is low, but rather branched. Due to the fact that the berries ripen on processes that reach 1 m in length, the variety is considered abundant in yield: collect up to 7 kg from one plant. The size of the berry is 17 mm in diameter;
  • Northblue. The bush is appreciated not only for large fruits up to 18 mm in diameter, but also for decorativeness. Harvest is ready for harvest by the end of July and beginning of August. The collection rate is 2-2.5 kg per plant;
  • Northcountry. A compact plant reaches a height of 80 cm. Regular productivity is 2 kg of berries from a bush. The collection begins in August. The diameter of the berries is 15 mm;
  • Northskay. The berries of this variety have a pleasant sweet and sour taste and an average size of up to 14 mm in diameter. Ripen in August and may not fall off branches for a long time. Well stored and transported.

Photo Gallery: Northern Blueberry Varieties

Video: how to choose a variety of blueberries

Blueberries, traditionally well growing in the cool climate of the northern regions, can now be cultivated in the south. The variety of varieties bred by domestic and foreign breeders allows gardeners to make a choice that optimally takes into account the characteristics of the area in which the culture will grow.


Watch the video: IN ENGLISH Ю. Андрухович у Колумбійському Університеті Y. Andrukhovych Коханці Юстиції (October 2024).