Grass for planting a lawn: a selection of the best varieties for our climate


It happens that with proper care the lawn is still not happy with its density, sometimes it freezes in the winter and requires frequent replanting. All these are the consequences of an improperly selected herbal mixture. When buying, we usually pay attention only to the information for what type of lawn the mixture is intended (sports, ground, etc.). The herbs that make up the composition are of less interest to us, especially since their names will say little to the ordinary buyer. But this information is more important than the rest, because a lot of mixtures are imported into our country from Europe. There the climate is milder, and the selection criteria for lawn grasses are not so stringent. But in our harsh climate, the European lawn often freezes, because it does not include frost-resistant herbs. To avoid such problems, grass for the lawn should be selected according to the degree of adaptability to the climate and soils of your area. Let's analyze it in more detail.

What requirements should a quality grass meet?

Any decorative grass for the lawn should be perennial, because the lawn is created not for one year, and every spring it does not make sense to sow the area in a new way. Of all the existing plant species, cereals are most adapted to the conditions of the lawn. But not all, but only those that meet the following requirements:

  1. Resistant to freezing.
  2. Externally decorative (juicy green flowers, with uniform germination of shoots, with the same density of cover, etc.).
  3. Develop a strong root system that does not collapse as a result of movement, is able to grow on compacted soils, etc.
  4. After mowing, they quickly build up cover and respond well to mineral fertilizers.
  5. The ability to reproduce vegetatively, because with the help of seeds on the lawn you can’t breed.

The grasses most adapted to the Russian climate

If we analyze all the plants proposed in mixtures according to the five listed criteria, then out of the whole variety there will remain only three grass names for the lawn, ideally meeting the conditions of Russian weather. it thin polevole, red fescue and bluegrass meadow. All of them are included in the group of short-rhizome cereals and have similar properties.

These plants are not afraid of temperature contrasts, especially during frosts in early spring or late autumn. Their root system withstands severe frosts and forms such a dense sod that weeds break through it is simply unrealistic. On 1 sq.m. About 30 thousand shoots develop. Grasses withstand frequent mowing, have a high rate of vegetative propagation, therefore, with proper care, the lawn will serve without replanting for decades.

Red fescue grows quite slowly, so in the first year of planting the lawn will look sparse, but the next season the plant creates a dense, even cover

Meadowgrass meadow should not be bought in its pure form, because it slowly builds up the root system. It’s better to take the mixture where it is the main ingredient

The thin polevole is famous not only for its winter hardiness and unpretentiousness, but also for its rich dense green color, which gives the lawn a rich look

When studying the composition of mixtures in stores, choose for yourself those that include the largest percentage of these particular cereals. Sometimes the names of the components are written on the packaging in Latin. Remember how these three herbs sound in Latin:

  • Thin woodgrass is designated as Agrostis tenuis;
  • Meadowgrass meadow is Poa pratensis;
  • Red fescue translates as Festuca rubra.

Additional components in mixtures

In addition to the three cereals, other plants suitable for the climate of our latitudes can also be found in mixtures. All of them will have good resistance to frost and undemanding to care. But there are some disadvantages that do not allow to consider these herbs the best for the lawn. And if you find their names in the composition of the mixture, then remember that they should not be the main component, but can be used as an addition.

We list the types of herbs often used in mixtures for lawn:

  • Polevosnaya shoot. The best quality is very fast growth. Minus - gives horizontal shoots that stand out with a light color against a dark green lawn. From this, the lawn acquires a heterogeneous color. This quality is inappropriate on the ground grass, although for the recreation area is not so important.
  • Other species of bluegrass. In addition to the meadow, which we described earlier, in mixtures there are narrow-leaved, ordinary and oblate bluegrass species. They are characterized by low durability, i.e. after 5-7 years they require reseeding, and decorative properties are lower (the blades of grass are too stiff and with a bluish tint).

The light green color of the horizontal shoots of the shoot of the bentgrass contrasts with the color of the main lawn grass, so the cereal is not suitable for ground grass

Herbs with specific properties

There are certain types of stunted grass for the lawn, which are adapted to the specific growing conditions. They can not be called universal, but it is recommended to plant them specifically for certain places on the site.

So u bluegrass bluegrass high ability to grow in partial shade. Those. under garden trees and in places near buildings where light rarely comes in, this plant will save the lawn from bald spots and pale cover. True, you must take into account that the bluegrass bluegrass cannot form a dense root system, therefore it does not tolerate movement and frequent mowing.

Bluegrass Swamp will save the situation on lawns with high humidity, where there was no drainage. It forms a beautiful green cover and develops powerful roots, but does not live long and requires frequent sowing. It can be combined with white bentwood, which also grows well on moist soil. But its decorative properties are lower than that of bluegrass, and its lifespan is about 8 years.

For ground grass, which is not planned to be walked at all, you can use dogwood field. This is one of the most chic outwardly herbs, because it has an emerald color and delicate, thin blades of grass. Such a lawn is also called "velvet", because from a distance it looks like an expensive fabric. But with all the external advantages, the plant is very capricious. It lives about 5 years, has weak roots, grows slowly and is absolutely not resistant to trampling.

If it is important for you that the lawn looks aesthetically pleasing in a month or two, then choose a mixture that contains meadow fescue. This is the fastest growing cereal that will close its stems in 2 months. It can be used in its pure form for a temporary lawn, which is destined to grow in one place for 4 years, because the cereal does not live longer. In addition, the meadow fescue has weak roots, afraid of trampling. But in the composition of the mixture, this cereal can be very useful as an addition to the main grass. For example, meadow bluegrass grows slowly, and until it enters full force, empty spaces will successfully close the stalks of meadow fescue.

The meadow fescue will save the owners when it is urgent to make the lawn decorative, because after 2 months the grass will form a continuous thick carpet

Your lawn will be dense already in the first summer, however, a bit mottled. The meadow fescue has wide stems and a light color, which against the background of narrow dark green bluegrass grasses will look contrast. Next year, when the main grass grows rapidly, it will simply squeeze out this cereal and take its place.

And you can also grow an unpretentious lawn from Irish moss, read about it: //

Herbs unsuitable for the Russian climate

In European mixtures there are herbs that should be avoided when planting on lawns, because they are designed for a mild climate. For example, perennial ryegrass It has excellent growth, decorativeness and a dense cover, but after the first winter your lawn noticeably “wanders”, although in Europe such lawns have been successfully greening for about 8 years.

Perennial ryegrass (pasture) is able to surprise only in the first year after planting. Severe winter is beyond his power

Often found as an additional component of the mixture, bluegrass annual. Its feature is unpretentiousness in leaving and fast growth. But this cereal is propagated by seeds, so that with constant mowing the next year, it will not be able to give offspring and will free the land for germination of weeds.

Another two girlfriends - Soddy pike and sheep fescue - They are good for all properties, except for one thing: they form hummocks over time, and gradually your lawn will turn into a field of green hills.

Latin Tips

To make it easier for you to navigate while reading the compositions of lawn mixtures and to better understand what kind of grass a lawn maker offers, we have collected the names of the herbs described in the article in Latin. Remember them and look on the packages:
