Violet Magenta - description and characteristics of the variety


Indoor plants are very popular, especially violets. Small dull inflorescences, pleasant to the touch leaves and ease of care - these plants quickly became favorites in the world of gardeners. One of the most popular varieties of this flower is considered Magenta violet, bred by Ukrainian breeder Elena Lebetskaya from the city of Vinnitsa.

What does Magenta violet look like

The name of the described plant consists of two parts:

  • magenta, which is associated with the battle in Italy in 1859;
  • le is the mandatory prefix characterizing the breeder, in this case, Elena Lebetskaya.

Violet Le Magenta appeared ten years ago.

Violet Le Magenta - the opening of Elena Lebetskoy

Belongs to the genus Saintpaulia (saintpaulia) - these are flowering herbaceous plants of the Gesneriaceae family.

The bush grows in the shape of a rosette that the leaves make up. The leaves sprouting on thick petioles of large length are distinguished by high density and soft roughness. Leaf plates are presented in a round-oval and peaked shape.

The size of the leaf outlet is fifteen centimeters.

Flowers sprout in the form of a terry or semi-double basket. A deep red, even burgundy shade adorns the green outlet.

For reference! Inexperienced lovers of indoor plants sometimes mispronounce the name of the variety - they have violet cuffs or le majets.

Features of Le Magenta Violet Care at Home

In order for the flower to please the owners with lush inflorescences, bright shades and constant growth, appropriate care is necessary. In this regard, the Magenta senpolia has certain features.


Violet Fairy - description and characteristics of the variety

The optimal temperature regime lies in the frames + 18-25 degrees of heat. At a lower temperature, rotting of the plant is observed, increased - leads to the formation of aphids.

So that in winter there are no problems, it is recommended to substitute a 3-cm layer of insulation under the pot on the northern windowsill (the simplest option is polystyrene).

We must not forget about ventilation: fresh air is the key to successful germination.


Here the situation is this: you need bright light, but direct sunlight is prohibited. Aggressive exposure to the sun leads to burns of leaves, so you should resort to diffused lighting.

Additional Information! In a short daylight, additional illumination is needed through artificial lamps.

While the winter time, the flowerpot feels calm on the south side.

Features of violet care at home

However, with the advent of heat, it is better to transfer Le Magent's violet to the eastern or western windowsill.

Top dressing

It is recommended to feed the plant with useful substances twice a month. While the violet has a dormant period (November-February), the number of top dressings should be reduced to once every 40-50 days.

On a note! Good examples of fertilizers are products under the brands of Stimovit, Baikal, Master.

Fertilizers are applied to pre-moistened soil (certainly after watering). Mineral complexes are used in their quality.

Watering, spraying and humidity

The moisture level in the air should reach 55-65%. Lack of moisture is solved in two ways:

  • spraying the area around the pot;
  • humidifier.

Water should be at room temperature - within 22-24 degrees.

There are three ways to water:

  • Lower. A deep vessel is needed here. Pour the taken container with water and place the pot with violet at ¾ height. Darkening of the upper layer indicates the impregnation of the soil with moisture.
  • Drip. A syringe or a watering can with a narrow nose is used. Water the soil without touching the growth points and leaves.
  • Wick. One end of a piece of natural fiber rope passes through a drainage hole in the pot, the other is lowered into a container of water. So, the roots will take only the amount of fluid that is necessary for growth.

Watering is an important part of care. The procedure is carried out as the soil dries. The main thing is to make sure that the soil is not flooded or thoroughly dry.


Magenta violet grows well in special purchased soil or in a home-made substrate. In order to "prepare" a suitable soil, it is necessary to mix four ingredients in equal proportions:

  • peat;
  • crushed moss sphagnum;
  • leaf soil;
  • humus.

Terry leaves and a bright violet flower captured on macro

The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed through a strainer.

Attention! Before use, the soil must be calcined. This is done in the oven at 100-200 degrees for thirty minutes.

This removes small debris, the remains of some roots and the formed lumps break. The resulting combination is characterized by friability and softness, where there are no foreign elements or undesirable organic residues.

When and how it blooms

Violet Blue fog - description and characteristics of the variety

Violet begins to delight with a beautiful color in the spring, namely in March. At the start, the plant blooms with long pedicels. At the ends of these legs are three to five baskets of inflorescences.

From the released baskets later grow flowers that are pleasant to the touch with a bright red hue. The diameter of terry or semi-double colors is 50 mm. Floral edges are beautifully framed by a white border.

How is the Saintpaulia cuff propagated?

Violet SM Amadeus pink - description and characteristics of the variety

The described plant propagates in two ways: by seeds and vegetatively.

The older the violet, the darker and richer the color of the inflorescences.

The second method is more often used at home. The specified method involves dividing the bush into two or three parts or cutting leaves, followed by rooting.

The technology of vegetative propagation by dividing the bush is carried out in several stages:

  1. The bush with care comes out of the pot.
  2. With a sharp knife, gardeners separate the "baby."
  3. The separated particle is placed in a small pot (not more than 6 cm in diameter).
  4. The flowerpot is covered with a glass container or a lid, forming a greenhouse.
  5. Daily airing and watering with small portions of water is carried out.

For reference! The method of propagation by seeds is used exclusively by breeders. Le Magenta violet seeds are suitable for breeding new varieties.

The mother bush must be cleaned of dried parts and transplanted into a new vessel.

Transplant after purchase and during reproduction

Gardening professionals recommend immediately after the purchase to transplant the violet into a new "residence". The best time for transplanting is before the summer heat. This period is due to two reasons:

  • The plant came out of "sleep" when any manipulation is strictly prohibited.
  • There is still plenty of time before flowering.
  • Possible quick adaptation to a new place.

Transplantation is carried out step by step:

  1. A three-centimeter expanded clay layer is laid out on the bottom of the tank.
  2. Prepared soil is poured over it. The pot is filled by a third.
  3. In the center is the future bush.
  4. Filled with void soil.

After transplanting, be sure to water the pot. And then - transfer to an ordinary regime of care.

Possible problems in growing

With improper care and in unsuitable conditions, the violet simply rots. If the plant does not have enough light, there is a deficiency in minerals - the leaves turn yellow.

Violet flowers beautifully combined snow-white frames with rich red petals


Also, the leaves are covered with spots due to ruthless pests:

  • aphid;
  • nematode;
  • thrips;
  • whitefly.

The best effectiveness in combating them is shown by specially developed chemical preparations - insecticides.

Violet Le Magente is affected by a number of diseases:

  • Fusarium - rotten spots on the leaves and stalk. The appearance is associated with a sharp decrease in temperature (especially often observed in winter).
  • Powdery rum - white spots. It starts due to high humidity. To prevent this, one should take up prevention - spray the plant with a solution of potassium permanganate every thirty days.

Also, violet suffers from late blight, rotting of leaves and the formation of gray rot. In order to prevent such consequences, you need to properly approach the care of Saintpaulia, periodically spray with fungicidal preparations.

The description of the flower under investigation shows that this violet is quite beautiful and requires proper attention. Nevertheless, flower growers who already have experience in breeding the senpolis are unlikely to see any difficulties. However, novice plant lovers will be able to provide proper care if they adhere to the above rules.


Watch the video: Magenta and the Color Spectrum. Physical Science Minute (October 2024).