Lemon melissa - growing from seeds in the country


Lemon balm - one of the oldest herbs that science knows about. It is successfully used not only in medicine, but also in cooking. It is equally suitable for both meat dishes and fish. In the wild, this grass can be found in many countries of Europe, Ukraine, Africa, America, the Caucasus, Asia, etc. Medicinal herbs are rich in essential oils, which contain vitamins and minerals indispensable for the human body. It can be grown not only in open ground, but also at home.

Lemon balm belongs to the essential oil type of herbal plants. Belongs to the family Lamiaceae. This is a perennial grass that reaches a height of 30 to 120 cm. The main stem is highly branched, most often covered with a light fluff, but can also be naked. The leaves are also covered with a fluff, light green in color, oval in shape with a pronounced relief. She begins to bloom in the second year of life. Inflorescences are umbellate, formed in the leaf sinuses, the flowers are not symmetrical, the lower petals are longer than the upper ones. The ovary is formed on a pistil surrounded by 4 stamens.

Lemon balm

Fruits appear 1 month after the flower has been pollinated. The fruit is ovoid, glossy, slightly elongated. Inside is 4 seed. This herb is called lemon because it has a pronounced citrus aroma, which is most strongly felt during the ripening period of the buds. After the flowers dry, the smell can become unpleasant.

How to plant mint and grow from seeds in the country

In nature, there are only 5 species of this plant:

  • Melissa officinalis, it is also lemon - inflorescences are white or light lilac. The leaves of the plant smell like a cut lemon;
  • Quadrille - light pink inflorescences located in the rosette of leaves, saturated green;
  • Freshness. This species also has a lemon flavor. The color of the leaves is dark. Inflorescences are white, a bluish tint may be present. In height grows no more than 60 cm;
  • Pure gold - white inflorescences formed on a bush, the size of which is about 60 cm. By the time the fruit is formed, the color changes to purple.

Variety of Melissa Pure Gold

  • Pearl. The leaves of this species have a pronounced corrugated surface. The color is saturated green. Leaves fit snugly on the stem. Inflorescences are small in size white. In height reaches 110 cm.

Melissa is confused with grass, which also belongs to the family Iasnatkovye and has the name catnip. At first glance, they cannot be distinguished from each other. Despite the resemblance, these two plants still have differences in composition. According to the description, the most important is the amount of essential oils in catnip, which reaches only 3%.

Godetia flower - growing from seeds at home

Lemon balm has a very extensive spectrum of action. It affects almost all systems of the human body. Its most common properties are sedative and antidepressant. Decoctions of it calm the nervous system, have a hypnotic effect. Due to the content of citronellally, the herb has antispasmodic properties. Microelements that have antiviral, antimicrobial, and enhance immunity benefits the body.

The plant has contraindications. It is not recommended for people suffering from peptic ulcers, as well as hypotension.

Eustoma - growing from seeds at home

Mint and lemon balm differ not only in appearance, but also in the content of trace elements.

Botanical differences

The root system of lemon balm is branched, unlike the roots of mint. The same difference can be observed in the structure of the stem. At mint it is not so branched. Melissa fruits are smooth, ovoid, mint fruits are very rare, have a fleecy structure. Mint has a pronounced menthol aroma, lemon balm has a citrus smell.

Melissa Root System

Difference in composition

Mint contains many essential oils, up to 6%, while in lemon balm their content is 0.8%.

Application Differences

Melissa is widespread in cooking. It gives dishes a refined taste and aroma. It is added to various dishes as a seasoning. The taste of peppermint is much lower. It is most often added to ready-made dishes to give a mint flavor. In addition, during heat treatment, mint leaves can harm the finished dish in the form of bitterness.

Mint and lemon balm seeds

Mint and lemon balm seeds germinate only 60%. This must be taken into account when planting plants. Both those and other seeds of very small size. They are covered with a dense, smooth skin, so before planting it is advisable to soak them in hot water for a day. You can add a growth stimulator to the water, then the seeds will germinate not 3 weeks after planting, but 2 times faster. For comparison, you can soak part of the seeds in ordinary hot water, part in water with the addition of a stimulant. After several weeks, check the germination of which seeds is higher.

Growing lemon balm from seed

Melissa reproduces in several ways:

  • Dividing the bush;
  • The seeds.

The simplest and most common way is seed propagation. The grass is completely unpretentious in leaving. It is recommended to prepare the soil for planting seeds in the country. You can sow seeds both in autumn and spring. Before planting, the soil should be loosened, remove all weeds, and fertilize. If the soil is very acidic, it is recommended to mix it with sand or peat, since the plant prefers neutral soil. You can also make a layer of drainage in the form of rubble or broken fine bricks. Basically, drainage is necessary when the earth is too dense, clayey, the water leaves poorly. Seeds are sown on a small hill so that the water from precipitation does not stagnate and does not provoke root decay.

Optimal place

Melissa Lemon loves sunlit places. Regardless of whether seeds are sown in open ground or in a pot at home, there should be a lot of sunlight for its development. Melissa pot grows well on a window that overlooks the northeast. It is recommended to choose a place away from through winds.

Germination of lemon balm at home

The plant has an average drought tolerance, so it is undesirable to allow strong drying of the soil. Watering is recommended abundantly, but without allowing stagnation of water. After watering, the soil is loosened. You can make mulch to a depth of not more than 5 cm.

Step-by-step landing process

How to plant melissa and mint in the ground to get the maximum number of shoots? Melissa and mint seeds are sown in open ground in mid-May, when the threat of frost passed, and the soil managed to warm up.

How to plant mint and lemon balm, step by step guide:

  1. Seeds are soaked in hot water for a day. After a day, all the surfaced planting material is removed and removed.
  2. Furrows are formed on the soil, the depth of which is about 2-3 cm.
  3. The soil is watered;
  4. Seeds are sown in formed furrows;
  5. From above they must be lightly sprinkled with earth;
  6. After the seeds have sprouted, they must be thinned. The distance between the shoots should be 20 cm.

In order to accelerate the growth of lemon balm, it can be germinated at home. You can begin to germinate the plant at the end of March. The resulting sprouts are planted in open ground in late spring. Many gardeners are concerned about the question: is it possible to plant mint and lemon balm next? These two medicinal plants do not interfere with each other.

Melissa lemongrass does not require scrupulous care. Particular attention should be paid to it only in the first year after planting. All the rest of the time, the grass develops well on its own.

Note! In order for the plant to develop well, the leaves do not turn yellow, the smell does not disappear, it requires updating every 6 years.

Watering mode

Medicinal herbs need abundant watering only during the first month after emergence, and especially on dry days. The rest of the time, watering should be moderate.

Top dressing

Fertilizers are applied to the soil after each cut of the plant. As a top dressing, liquid complex agents are used, which include ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, potassium chloride. Organic fertilizers can be applied to the mulch layer.

Important! Feeding is carried out only after flowering lemon balm.

The collection of mint and lemon balm leaves from June to the end of August. Tear off the leaves in the morning.

Note! It is not recommended to collect grass after rain, this can provoke the appearance of root rot. Leaves with a stem can be cut from mid-summer. Slices are carried out using a pruner or knife.

Lemon balm retains all the beneficial properties when drying sheets. It is not customary to freeze it. You can dry the grass in the microwave, oven, outdoors, in the room, etc. Store dry grass for 1-1.5 years. Melissa can not only be added to food as seasoning, but also to prepare aromatic and healthy decoctions and teas.
