What indoor flowers can be kept in the bedroom


The bedroom is the innermost room in every home. The entrance to it is unauthorized. The hosts protect personal space from prying eyes and create a special atmosphere of tranquility and comfort here. Flowers in the bedroom are designed to create a mood for rest and relaxation, give strength to a new day. Therefore, it is worthwhile to select indoor plants for the bedroom thoughtfully and responsibly.

What indoor flowers can be kept in the bedroom

Before starting landscaping, it is important to find out which indoor flowers can be kept in the bedroom. Of course, the flower should organically fit into the interior, but it is equally important to know its biological characteristics.

Indoor flowers for the bedroom

Note! Flowers should not have a strong aroma. It is better to give preference to plants with a mild odor that have a beneficial effect on the psyche.

You should pay attention to plants with an increased ability to enrich the air with oxygen, maintain the necessary level of humidity with bactericidal properties. These are the key qualities for plants that protect the sleep of their owners. The flower you like should not contain poisons and cause allergies. It will not be superfluous to study the energy of colors that affect a person’s emotional background.

Of course, I would like the plants to ideally combine useful qualities, heal the room and decorate the bedroom, helping even in a dream.

What flowers are the leaders in the list of applicants for a place in the bedroom?

Geranium (Pelargonium)

Some people still think this flower is not noble enough. And is it possible to put geranium in the bedroom if it smells so bad? Indeed, if you gently rub the sheet in your hands, it begins to emit a special smell. But it does not cause an allergy, and you can only feel it with mechanical action. To not talk about geraniums, this does not affect its undoubted benefit - the high ability to disinfect the room. For those who decide to grow geranium in the bedroom, the reward will be a wide selection of colors and shapes, plentiful and long flowering, clean air and a good night's sleep.


Uzambara violet (Saintpaulia)

This flower is very popular for a variety of colors, compactness, unpretentiousness. It is believed that violet relieves stress, especially instances with purple and white flowers.

Can I put violets in the bedroom? The question is not straightforward. Violet actively produces oxygen during the day, and at night absorbs it, filling the room with carbon dioxide. If you decide to put your favorite flower in the bedroom, then you just need to limit yourself to one or two copies.



Do not disdain to look at the needle-like leaves of aloe. This is a truly healthy flower. Biologists have proved that it is able to absorb about 90% of toxic elements from the atmosphere. In addition, the plant actively produces oxygen precisely at night, while releasing phytoncides, destroying microbes.

For your information! It has long been known that aloe leaf juice has beneficial properties. They are used to treat colitis, eye diseases, gastritis and women's ailments. That is why in ancient times, aloe was in almost every home.


If you take into account folk signs, the dracaena in the bedroom is simply obliged to live, since there her strengths will only increase. The flower brings peace to the home, protects from hostile energy. The owner of the dracaena will gain self-confidence and success in business. From a scientific point of view, this flower purifies the air of harmful substances and germs. He does not just attract them to himself, but processes them. This helps to avoid poisoning. And during the illness it is worth putting a dracaena next to the patient’s bed, this will speed up recovery.


How to place plants in a bedroom

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The bedroom interior is usually kept in calm colors with diffused light. And the plants in this room should be set to calm and relax from daytime worries.

To plants revive the space of the room, you can use simple tips:

  • choose healthy specimens without damage;
  • flowers are better to get already formed, developed;
  • give preference to species that are not difficult to care for;
  • do not place flower pots at the head of the bed;
  • flowers standing on the floor should not interfere with movement;
  • supports for plants should be stable;
  • the size of the flowers should correspond to the size of the room: do not place in a small huge tub with an adult bush;
  • be sure to consider the illumination of the room during the day, its orientation to the cardinal points;
  • find out if the plant is poisonous, does it cause allergies.

Favorable indoor flowers for the bedroom

What house plants can not be kept at home

To create an elegant and romantic atmosphere, it is best to choose a palm tree. She will add airiness to the space, will become a bright accent.

Lemon is recommended for an exotic background. With proper care, you can fill the room not only with a refreshing citrus smell, but also grow fruits.


Of late flowering, it is recommended to compose compositions of cyclamens that can bloom even on the northern windows. Geranium pots decorated in the same range with wall decoration will look stylish.

Cissus, suspended in a beautiful flower pot, can create a beautiful green cascade.


A composition of cyclamens, gloxinia and begonias in an ensemble with textiles with floral motifs will look picturesque.

If the size of the room is small, but you want flowers in the interior, you can place them on the windowsill. It can be violets, pelargonium, cyclamen, long and beautifully blooming. They will give the bedroom a joyful mood.

Note! It is worth spending time studying the question of which plants should not be brought into the bedroom, no matter how they are liked. The health of the inhabitants of the bedroom will depend on this, especially if the child is sleeping in this room.

  • Ficus is dangerous in that it releases oxygen only during the day under the influence of the sun.
  • Dieffenbachia. Its interesting shape, well-balanced trunk and rich crown resembling a palm tree will immediately attract attention to yourself. But even one drop of juice from the barrel can lead to dangerous poisoning.
  • Indoor azalea is a plant with bright small flowers. Her juice can cause severe gastric poisoning.
  • Oleander. Behind the bright pink buds is a very dangerous flower. Plant juice can cause serious harm. If it enters the human body, it causes diarrhea, vomiting, and impaired heart function.
  • Monstera. Even the name of the flower should be alarming. When its juice gets on the skin, a burn occurs. When swallowing monstera juice, strong salivation begins, burning in the mouth occurs, the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted.
  • Orchid is a plant of incredible beauty and treachery. It is noticed that bad dreams can haunt a person at night, and anxiety appears in the morning.
  • Indoor lilies are also a bad option for a bedroom, because at night they intensely emit carbon dioxide.
  • For the same reason, you should not install fern in the bedroom.

You need to carefully study which home-made flowers for the bedroom are favorable, their main characteristics, in order to create a complete image of the bedroom.


Note! Another interesting aspect when choosing flowers for the bedroom can be the knowledge of the rules of Feng Shui. Thanks to the laws of this teaching, you can harmoniously plan your space and nourish it with positive energy.

Spiritual practice suggests that you carefully select indoor plants for the bedroom, use no more than 3-4 copies and limit yourself to only those species that produce oxygen at night. This will have a beneficial effect on healthy sleep and relaxation. The leading positions on the list of Feng Shui are occupied by tradescantia (improves mood, fights negative thoughts), chlorophytum (absorbs sadness, and gives away positive energy), spathiphyllum (female happiness protects against quarrels).



Having comprehensively studied the issue of which indoor plants can be kept in the bedroom, it will turn out to be easy to create a cozy home environment in the entire apartment. The benefit of this knowledge is obvious - family safety and health.
