Interesting Articles 2024

Zamioculcas or dollar tree: description, planting and care

Zamiokulkas amyloidaceous - a poisonous ornamental evergreen plant of the Aroid family, native to the foothill regions located in the tropics of Central Africa. In room culture, there is only one species - small-leaf zamioculcas. Description The flower has several feather-branches on a low stem, growing from a tuber and strewn with shiny leathery leaves.

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Hedgerow plants: selection criteria for suitable planting options

The desire to make your own plot cozy, in which each element of landscape design harmoniously complements the other, naturally for every gardener. The hedge is not only a wonderful backdrop for flower beds and garden decoration, but also an excellent protection of the site from prying eyes. The formation of such a natural defense is a whole art that requires patience and painstaking work, as well as an incredibly exciting process.

Hydrangea garden - planting and care in the open ground

The best seller for amateur gardeners is the hydrangea flower. This plant is becoming more and more popular year by year. There are many reasons for this: long lush flowering, unpretentiousness in care, a variety of varieties in shape, color scheme and method of cultivation. Also, this beautiful flower can safely compete even with roses in its design.

Venus flytrap plant - how and what to feed

The plant world is so diverse that, in addition to the usual fruit, flowering representatives of the flora, there are real predators. This is a predatory flower flytrap, which can become a real thunderstorm of unpleasant insects. You can grow this amazing plant at home, because it is quite unpretentious.

Pelargonium Dovepoint - description, landing and care

Pelargonium flower dovepoint (geranium) is a popular, unpretentious plant care. The culture is grown only at home. Pelargonium looks good on window sills, balconies, on flowerbeds, lawns, in parks and squares. Description of the Pelargonium variety Dovepoint and its characteristics Pelargonium belongs to the Geranium family, which has more than 400 species of flowers.

Alocasia polly or sander (Ornamental plant)

The genus of Alocasia has up to 100 species that differ in appearance and size. Most of them grow in the southern part of the Asian and Pacific region. These flowers were discovered and began to be studied more than a century ago and have already received recognition from home crop lovers. Among the most decorative species of this genus is the Polly variety.

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Briofillum - a beautiful decoration and home healer

Briofillum is a succulent perennial that belongs to the family Crassulaceae. It has long spread throughout the world from South Africa and Madagascar. The genus is very diverse and famous for its healing properties. Popularly, the plant is better known as Kalanchoe briophillum. This plant is very tenacious and unpretentious, it decorates the house with beautiful flowers and bright greenery.

Camellia - flowering tea bushes

Camellia is an evergreen flowering plant from the Tea family. It is mainly found in the subtropics of Eurasia and North America, but can also be cultivated as an indoor or greenhouse plant around the world. Camellia is used for decorative purposes, and also has medicinal properties.

Removable garden strawberry Ostara: abundant fruiting in summer and autumn

Repairing varieties of large-fruited garden strawberries attract special attention of gardeners with their abundant fruiting from early summer to late autumn. Ostara is one of the best old varieties of this type, still very popular due to its unpretentiousness and vitality. This strawberry is sure to delight even the most inexperienced beginners with a delicious harvest.

Lobelia: seed cultivation, planting and care technology

Species: bell-shaped Flowering period: June, July, August, September Height: 8-1000cm Color: blue, purple, white, red, blue Perennial Sun-loving Moist-loving The lush rugs scattered among the greenery delight the eye and give the garden a sophisticated charm. From the first summer days to autumn frosts, the lobelia is completely covered with miniature flowers of delicate shades: blue, pink, sky blue, violet, purple.

Periwinkle: planting and care in the open ground, at home

Periwinkle is an evergreen shrub plant native to North America. This representative of the Kutrovy family has spread widely throughout Europe and Asia, having been used in various fields of activity, including pharmaceuticals and decoration. Periwinkle: description Periwinkle can be grown as a creeping or herbaceous plant with erect, rough stems.

Rosa Palais Royal

Rose Palais Royal (Palais Royal, MEIviowit, Blanc Pierre de Ronsard, Blushing Pierre de Ronsard, White Eden) was introduced by Mayan breeders in 2005. This is one of the most successful descendants of the famous Eden Rose variety. The manufacturer recommends using a klimber for vertical gardening of arbors, balconies, columns, and also in combination with small architectural forms.

Beautiful iris in landscape design: original ideas for any site!

A translucent rainbow gently shimmered in raindrops sparkling in the rays of the setting sun. People rejoiced. Prometheus - their protector - stole heavenly fire from the gods and gave it to the peoples so that they could warm themselves and cook their food. It was then that the celestial arch flashed with delicate colors, which, without fading, glowed all night, as a symbol of calm, hope and prosperity.

Dogwood planting, especially growing in the regions of Russia and Ukraine

Dogwood is a perennial tree-like shrub that is grown not only in the south, but closer to the north of Russia. The prevalence of this culture is understandable. Eating berries and infusions of them normalizes high blood pressure, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and improves digestion. Rules for planting dogwood Dogwood is a plant distributed mainly in the southern part of Russia - in the Crimea and the Caucasus, although new varieties grow in the northern regions.

Nerin: planting and caring for a successful cultivation

Fans of unusual-looking, but unpretentious plants often do not know what specimens to replenish their collection of flowers. Some representatives of the flora are too capricious, others are very widespread and have already become commonplace. In this case, you should pay attention to the nerin (landing and care are described in the article).

Gimenokallis flower - home care

The birthplace of an unusual gimenokallis is considered Latin America. The main difference of the plant is the elegant shape of the flowers, which look very decorative and unusual. The plant is also called Peruvian daffodil, it was started growing at home relatively recently. At the same time, care for hymenocallis is quite simple.

How to prune an apple tree and form a crown

It is necessary to form the crown of an apple tree from the first year after planting, otherwise the tree will grow too tall, the lower branches will be brittle and thin, since they will not receive enough nutrients. Proper pruning can increase tree productivity and prevent the development of diseases.

Arugula: growing and care

A good option for landing on a summer cottage is arugula (previously arugula). This plant came to Russia from the Mediterranean countries. It used to be equated with weeds. But gradually, lovers appreciated his taste. It began to appear more often in the kitchens of privileged classes. It is known that it was still grown on the territory of the Roman Empire.