
Hydrangea Endless Summer

Thanks to repeated flowering, hydrangea Endless summer is on the list of the most used plants for decorating summer cottages or gardens. It is also able to withstand the harsh climatic conditions that are characteristic of the northern strip of Russia. Origin and appearance According to popular belief, the hydrangea of ​​the Endless Summer species was bred in 2003.

Hydrangea Vanilla Freyz - planting and care in the open ground

Hydrangea is widespread in the garden areas of Central Russia due to the average frost resistance and attractive appearance. The first plant species had a white and brown color. Later varieties of other shades that could change color due to a change in external conditions were bred. Variety Vanilla Freyz is successfully grown not only in the south of the country and in the Middle lane, but also in Siberia.

How to grow in a seedling way delicious "Chinese lanterns" physalis?

Planting and caring for the physalis still cause a lot of questions for summer residents, because the plant itself has not yet become what grows in every garden plot. And so sorry. After all, he has a lot of advantages: the decorative appearance of the bush, a diverse taste from strawberry to pungent, the color of the fruits of all spectra: green, blue, lilac, orange, red.

Planting chrysanthemum in the spring in the open ground

Chrysanthemums are one of the most popular plants in domestic flower growers. They can often be found in summer cottages. However, this flower is quite moody and requires attention. The most important care measure is planting. If you follow all the rules, the plant easily adapts to the environment and will long delight with lush flowering.

Tsikas: description, types, home care + errors

Exotic indoor cicada many take for a palm tree. However, the oldest flower is not associated with it. This is a plant related to ferns. The biological species appeared on Earth before glaciation. Petrified remains of leaves are found in Mesozoic deposits. Tsikas - a plant of the Cycas family - can be found in tropical forests.

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